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Combiners That Never Were Contest

Grey Snow




This is a contest for Pachacamac; making combiners that never were that there should be like the Rahi-Nui, Toa Nidhiki, Lariska and more. Here are some suggestions quoted from his topic:



Muaka and Kane-Ra+Nui-Rama+Nui-Jaga+Tarakava+Manas=Rahi Nui

Now, I know that technically they did this, but did they give out any instructions for it? No; on the other hand, all the Rahi sets did have instructions to combine them into different Rahi, so I'll forgive it.




Don't have anything so far, but I may come up with something later.




Makuta+Jaller and Gukko+Takua and Pewku=Graalok the Ash Bear

Really, they should have just done this; it's a no brainer. The so-called "Makuta Nui" never had any role in the story whatsoever, not even so much as a mention. Graalok was a character featured in the Bionicle Mask of Light movie, and Ash Bears are a recurring species of Rahi. Seriously, they should have just stuck the name Ash Bear to that combiner.



2004 (Now we're really getting somewhere):

Lhikan and Kikanalo+Dume and Nivawk=Turaga Lhikan, Toa Dume, and the Archives Beast

We didn't get a Turaga Lhikan set, and we've never gotten to see what Toa Dume looked like in so much as a movie, so I think this would have been a good idea. Working out Lhikan's staff and Toa Dume's weapons might have been tricky, but that's what Kikanalo and Nivawk are there for. As for the Archives Beast, why not give it a recognizable-if misshapen-form since you bothered to include it in the storyline anyway, and what better sets than Nivawk and Kikanalo to provide parts for this strange creature?


All six Vahki=Vahki Transport

Kind of lame, but why not?


Nidhiki+Krekka+Lhikan and Kikanalo+Dume and Nivawk=Mobrbuzakh King Root

I know these guys would probably look nothing like the King Root, but why not do something? Morbuzakh was the first villain that we never really got a set for, and I think that something on as large a scale as it's supposed to be would require all four sets from 2004.



Again, if you're going to include a Rahi in the story, why not have a set basis for its apperance?


Nidhiki+Lhikan and Kikanalo=Mutant Ussal Crab, maybe Toa Nidhiki; you'd have to work to get make Nidhiki's parts Toa-like

Same argument I had for Toa Dume, and why not have the Mutant Ussal?


Krekka+Lhikan and Kikanalo=Troller

See my arguments for the Tunneler.



Sidorak+Roodaka or Toa Hagah Norik+Iruini=Lariska, maybe Triglax, maybe Recorder

She's the only female Dark Hunter and sounds totally cool, and Greg did include her in two of his books up to this point. Why not give her a set, and who's available? Sidorak and Roodaka would be good because they were put together with Keetongu separately and all three together to make the Shadowed One, Sentrakh, and Voporak in 2005, but the two of them weren't put together to make the fourth main Dark Hunter introduced: Lariska. I heard from Greg that Lariska is roughly Toa-sized, however, so the Toa Hagah would work out. As for those other two guys, I'm not so big on them because they have virtually no part, but it would be something to do with the sets that didn't end up combining.




None as of yet; I'll keep everyone posted. I'll probably come out with something to do with the Nektann.




Nocturn+Gadunka+Lesovikk+Karzahni and Sarda and Idris=Giant Venom Eel, Toa Tuyet, maybe Toa Nidhiki

Hey, that dang eel has shown up in both Legends books set in Mahri Nui, and I've heard that he's do to show up in Downfall. Something that big is going to take a lot of parts, so why not use a quartet of sets? Besides, the leftover pieces could be used to assemble the increasingly important Toa Tuyet, or even to bring in Toa Nidhiki at last-unless I'm mistaken, he can go in the 2007 storyline because of the whole "Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet" story.


Maxilos and Spinax+Hydraxon=Barraki Armies: Squid, Insect, and Ray

Hey, they made a big deal about how the Barraki command these armies of sea life, but aside from the playsets we haven't seen them. Pridak's Takea and Carapar's Keras and Pit War Tortoises have sets, and I already mentioned my idea to include Venom Eel for Ehlek. So, why not use the other two combiners for the year to create Kalmah, Takadox, and Mantax's minions?



Other suggestions:


01: Rahi Nui

02: Nothing

03: Nothing; I don't really mind the Nui becoming Ash Bear, but I don't see a point.

04: Dume, Lihkan and their steeds: Turaga Lhikan and Toa Dume

04: The remaining titans: Toa Nidhiki, Nidhiki's claws would work for a scythe and you could make a mask, like Karzahni's head, just make it sleek looking, that's how I'd see it.

05: The three main ones: Lariska, Roodaka would have a great body to modify for her, and the others parts would modify it.

06: Maybe a Piraka combiner, or the lava/stone beast, that would be great, though not important; out of the Piraka and titans.

07: Mutated Brutaka: Brutaka and misc. Barraki parts.

07: Tuyet: Takadox and Gadunka




1. The combiners have to be actual characters/creatures/machines/etc. that have appeared in the Bionicle story; no fan mocs or anything like that. I'm sure everyone knows that, but I just want to make sure.


2. Only sets from the same year or from the same story arc of years can be combined for the contest; in other words, no mixing between 2001-2003, 2004-2005, and 2006-2007 sets. Any sets that are in those particular years can be put together, but nothing else except masks; Volitak can be used in the Nidhiki MOC for this contest and anything else like that needed.


I may have some more later, but that's it for now.


Any suggestions that aren't listed above should be put in the next entry.




Deadline: To be determined.


Prize: 1 winner from each year will be put in my blog in the contest winners image slot.


Rounds: Rounds will be determined based on the number of entrants.


Good luck.





Recommended Comments

Hey sir Koji, the contest looks great. Just out of curiosity, has this actually been set up as a contest or is it still a work in progress?

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