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The Best Laid Plans...



Okay, I have had the greatest idea of my life. Well, the first step is finding out where Nikira keeps all of here drawing and art skills. Then me and Lady K will sneak into where ever she (Nikira still) keeps all of her talent, me using my Ninja skills to sneak in and Lady K using her pirate skills to steal the talent and then we can escape and divide the skill into two equal piles and take half. That way, Lady K will still be an uber drawer and I will actually draw well. =D


It's the perfect plan!!!


Now... Who happens to know where Nikira stashes all her treasured skillz?


Whoa... See what happens when Ninjas and Pirates work together for a change? Aka, the Pirate doesn't die. :P


Also... Did I get that title right? It doesn't sound right to me...


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