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I found the pieces there were missing from my collection...well, most of them. I was looking for a missing Cordak rocket I shot at my computer chair in the shelf behind it. After removing the books I found a basket that used to be on the computer's desk. I thought the Bionicle pieces had been taken out of it and basket put away ages ago. But apparently only the latter was done.


So yeah, I welcomed back my Zaktan foot, Jaller Inika thigh armor, Vakama lower arm, and three red pieces from Sidorak. They're on the sets now, but I know the pieces because I'd been puzzling over their disappearance since BBCC39 (which explains their colors).




Cordak was retrieved as well, BTW.


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Missing since BBC39? So they have been missing for full two weeks? :P


The little Cordaks (Little desolations?) are worth searching for after you've lost them. I mean, they are awesome! Much improvement over the Zamors, if you ask me. =D

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