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Phantoka? Why Yes!



Just got back from a Drama field trip to see Dracula at VCU.




And now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some Phantoka to be drawing. See you next time.


*credits roll and the theme to "Bill Nye the Science Guy starts playing*


All right, seriously. This will be the first time I've ever drawn a Makuta, and I need ideas. I want them to look humanoid, given their resemblances to Matoran, but at the same time distinctly "not human," even demonic. They will be drawn in my new style, demonstrated here in my Mahri sketches (OMG UNPOSTED ART!), and will probably share some of their less-human characteristics with my Rahkshi. Since I have little experience with this, any suggestions of how to make the Makuta look evil/demonic will be appreciated. But bear in mind that this is manga. Unrealistic, cartoony looks just won't cut it.*


Thanks in advance. :)


*Since apparently this seemed self-contradictory to those awesome people who actually know something about Manga, I'll clarify that what I mean by this is that tips for a Fairly Odd Parents style ain't gonna fly.


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...But-but.... Manga is unrealistic and cartoony. D=


I mean...Manga/Anime falls under the cartoon genre...unless you speak of graphic novels... =0


That's something entirely different.

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...But-but.... Manga is unrealistic and cartoony. D=


I mean...Manga/Anime falls under the cartoon genre...unless you speak of graphic novels... =0


That's something entirely different.


Still, my style is a more realistic version of Manga, the sort you would see in comics (of the Shonen variety, of course). And I want the Makuta to look like beings that could actually scare you. While manga does tend to be less realistic than my drawings, I tend to call them Manga simply because it gives me the freedom to adopt Manga-style eyes and, if the drawing calls for it, expressions. And it allows me to exercise all the other sorts of exaggeration in poses that Manga allows (I know most action-comic-book-styles allow it, but Manga is extremely loose in such demands. And it's easier to say :D ).

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Fangs, Red Eyes, and a billowing cape that has jagged edges. That screams 'PURE EVIL'.


And a laugh. It has to have an evil laugh.

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Not wanting to start a discussion about manga...

but I think that that kind of style is best for Bionicle pix. It also seems to inspire a lot of the Toa art out there. Long torso (maybe) and legs are what I've heard about drawing anime.


Anyway, as for the Makuta, demonic yes, human-like yes (but limited to how they are) and definatly bat like. I'd say maybe fuse the wings with the rest of their arm and place a claw at the end.


I'm not much of an artist, so I hope this helps.



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