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Bionicle Sets, Ratchet And Clank, And A Story

Master Reidak


Well, it wasn't a bad day after school today.

1. I rode down to Kmart and bought Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction for PS3 (although in Australia, it doesn't say "Future" for some reason). It was on sale for $20 less than usual, so well worth the trip :D. So far it's turning out to be a great game. Finally learning something about Ratchet and the Lombax race!

2. When I got home, Lesovikk and Karzahni had arrived, after I ordered them from Lego.com. Who knew Karzahni and the trap were so huge? Lesovikk's great too, I just don't like how his 'sword' is so small... doesn't suit such a tall Toa (well, that's how all Toa are these days).

3. And finally, right now I'm writing a story for school. If you wanna read what I've done so far, I'll chuck it into a spoiler tag. It has to be set one year after the end of a book we read in class, so it's whatever we want basically as long as it sticks to the storyline and involves the characters from the real thing. I didn't find the book interesting (it was called Looking for Alibrandi) so I made the creative story a bit more appealing... Read on if you dare.


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This file depicts the events that occurred one year after the conclusion of the Looking For Alibrandi events. By continuing to read it, you are incriminating yourself under Section A7 of the Decree of National Security. Please discontinue unauthorized viewing of this document and report to your nearest Australian Security Intelligence Organisation facility for termination.




“Look out Mr. Cheesey!”

Bullets whizzed past the monkey's head at a really, really high speed. Mr. Cheesey responded by throwing a banana bomb at the perpetrator, which detonated in midair and sent mini bananas flying at the ground at the enemy's feet. The super-slick banana goo sent the evil ninja/spy/soldier into a run on the spot before he slipped over and collapsed into a heap on the ground.

"You've done it again, Mr. Cheesey! You're the greatest!"

Josephine Alibrandi jogged over and ruffled the monkey's hair.

"Indeed? Why thank you, madam Alibrandi," replied the monkey in a strong English accent.

Since John had killed himself and Jacob had left her, Josie clearly had nothing to do with her new bore-filled life, so had decided to go and join a top secret special agent unit called GTBB (Guys That Beat Baddies). Currently, they were assigned to recover a super expensive shoelace called the 'Devil's Piano Wire', or DPW for short. It had been stolen from the Museum of Random Junk by top thief; Sir Takealot. Mr. Cheesey was her partner for the assignment.

Josie looked around. There was a door on the other side of the room. She walked over to it and grabbed the handle, but it was locked tight.

"Mr. Cheesey, hand me that super high powered disintegrator gun so I can make a new door in this wall," requested Josie.

"Certainly, madam," replied Mr. Cheesey. He reached into his mouth and withdrew what seemed to be a super high tech rocket launcher with a cone on the end.

Josephine aimed the device at the wall next to the door and fired. An orange beam of light erupted from the end and shot into the wall. The wall seemed to phase out of existence.

"Thanks Cheese," said Josie, and put the gun into a recycle bin, which had randomly appeared next to her (it could only be used once).

They looked through the newly created exit and saw another 15 evil ninja/spy/soldiers. They had an array of weapons; there was a sword, an axe, a few handguns, a toothpick, and so on. One of them tossed an Extra Effective Sleeping Gas Grenade at Mr. Cheesey.

"NOOOOO!" Jose dived in front of Mr. Cheesey and grabbed the grenade.

"Ha! You cool dudes didn't even pull the pin!" laughed Josie and threw the grenade back (after pulling the pin). The gas spewed forth from the grenade and shrouded the evil ninja/spy/soldiers in it. When it cleared, they were all asleep on the ground. Josie and Mr. Cheesey high fived eachother.

They walked into the room. Suddenly, cages sprung up from the ground, trapping the pair. A TV appeared on the wall and showed Sir Takealot's face.

"Bwahahahahah! You thought you could take the Devil's Piano Wire from ME, Percival Sandy Takealot?!?" laughed Sir Takealot.

"Your first name's Percival?" sniggered Josie from behind the bars.

"Might I also point out the amusement in the fact that his second name is that of a female's?" said Mr. Cheesey.

"SILENCE! I will have you know that if one speak out of turn once more I shall terminate you on the spot! Now tell me! Where is the Unholy Diamond of Ur'Gatoz?" demanded Percival.

"The what what of what?" asked Josie.

"What? Oh, right. That was just a dream. Oh well, may as well terminate you then…" sighed Sir Takealot.

He pressed a button. Nothing happened. He pressed it again. Still nothing happened.

"What's going on? Why isn't the laser coming down to incinerate you both?" complained Sir Takealot, and looked back to Josie and Mr. Cheesey. But they had gone.

Ok, I stole a line from Ratchet and Clank, but it was funny :D. Well, you probably don't know which one it was so never mind...


Well, there you have it folks.


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You got Lessy and Karzahni? Are they good? Are they? Are they?


Is Lessys Faxon good? Is it? Is it? Is his sword awesome? Is it? Is it?


Is Karzahn-





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You got Lessy and Karzahni? Are they good? Are they? Are they?


Is Lessys Faxon good? Is it? Is it? Is his sword awesome? Is it? Is it?


Is Karzahn-





Uh, let's see...

The Faxon is a little lighter than I thought it would be (in colour). His shoulder pads are kind of annoying as they're attached like Kalmah's. I hate his sword, it's just a silver Pridak blade. Way too short. Aside from those, Lesovikk is a visually awesome Toa. His sled is incredible, and it's fun making it crash and breaking it apart (uh, not violently).

Karzahni was bigger than I expected, and better. The trap was a LOT bigger than I thought it'd be. You wouldn't believe it.

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After my experience playing Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (for alot longer than I thought) I wholeheartly accept the PS3 as a console.


I love the Predator Launcher so much.

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