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Getting Some Traction



Well, it's been more than three months since I started working at LEGO as the Internet Content Manager for BIONICLE (and Racers and Technic). I've gotten to the point where I feel I actually know what's going on, what I'm supposed to do, and when I'm supposed to do it.


Not only that, it feels like I'm making a difference, too.


I've been lightly involved in the '09 movie, lightly involved with watching the development of the '09 sets, but more heavily involved and driving the 2008 web presence for BIONICLE. That means a facelift for BIONICLE.com and a completely new BIONICLEstory.com. In fact, one of the things I got to do was define what the new logo for BIONICLEstory would look like. It's almost done, and it'll show up on the web and in TV commercials.


Speaking of TV commercials, I saw the rough cut of the first product spot. The CGI was very rough, and the backgrounds weren't in, but it was still nifty to watch how it came together. It shows off some of the '08 sets nicely. I also got to hear some of the music (not finished) and review and approve some of the new game screens. Rockin'.


I've also had the opportunity to chat with some of the designers and they have been very nice about listening to my ideas. In fact, I'm putting something on paper this weekend to show them next week, so there's a (slim) chance that one or two of my ideas might show up in a BIONICLE set down the road. That's pretty exciting.


I'm in Denmark at the moment, and the weather's turned cold the last few days. Icy riding between different campuses around Billund. I even took a spill on my bike, but more from my own klutziness than any ice.


This week was really busy with lots of things going on. Friday finally calmed down, so I was able to play around in Photoshop and create something that'll go on the site next week (I hope). It's not much (just a downloadable wish list), but it was fun to be creative after all the paperwork this job requires.


Now for the weekend, time to relax and catch up on chores. A friend is visiting next week, so I should probably pick up all the brick lying around, peel some of the food off the walls (hey, it's cheaper than framed art), muck out the bathroom, and so on.


And, of course, got to get ready for all the holiday parties over the next month. The Danes, they do know how to party. :) Next week I have no less than three get-togethers. I was never this popular before!



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So, let me guess, a 2008 style of CGI mini-movie like Creeps From The Deep, with original music? Cool!


BTW, when you mean Logo, that means something like the Bohrok symbol?

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