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On The Horrors Of Driving A Big Skeery Van



Today I experienced the joy of having someone else steal my destined parking space for the first time.

Annoying as that may be, it's nowhere near as harrowing (Yes, I use words like "harrowing". Get over it.) as the extremely harrowing experience of last night, when I drove our huge 15-passenger van all the way to the other town. I. Hate. Driving-that-van.

Unfortunately, we only have two cars, and since the Century is my dad's work car, it looks like I might actually have to buy my own car the way I wasn't planning to. I had hoped to utilize public transportation to get where I want to go, then when I needed to ferry likkle sibs around I'd take the van. But since I hate driving that van (as I believe I have mentioned before), I'll have to start saving for a new car in addition to all that other stuff.

I'm thinking a custom licence plate... NCC-1701 or PATUARA or ARPYWNZ or something.



Two other things:


1. SHCCA (see below) ends Monday. I know some of you *coughbundacough* are plotting to enter, so...um...enter. Yes.


2. The Polls should be up today. Vote! I mean, if you're older than 18 and you didn't vote in the real elections earlier this month, you can get karmic møøse cookies if you vote in this contest's polls! Or if you failed to vote in class elections or whatever, you can make up for it! C'mon! 8D Also, extra KMCs to anyone who votes for my entry. 'Thisyl, the bet is still on.





Recommended Comments

Do you realize how much it takes into having your own car? I'm not looking forward to having my own (because I don't need one, even if I am going off to college soon), with paying it off, insurance, etc.

But I hear the best deal is one year used pre-owned. :D Old enough for a good deal used but not too old to be screwed.

Then there's the price of gas.


Don't want to scare you though, sorry....oops.


Anyway, good luck with the contest.



PS, the more you drive the van the less scary it might become. Or not....

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