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Wow, I'm On A Roll!



Last night, I was up 'til 1 reading 'Catcher in the Rye', a book that would be one of my favorites if it just wasn't so negative. I mean, I half-understand the guy, but if it were me, I'd be a little bit happier... whatever.


I'm reading the book for English class, and today its due for return, and the test on it is Wednesday (Thanksgiving Early Release Day) but I'm only on page 98... out of 214 or 17.


Would've read more if I wasn't talking to Taki and my girlfriend, but I don't care. Besides, thats not the point. I have no regrets talking to my girlfriend and Taki. Taki's like family anyway.


Back to the point, I have to wake up at 6:00... well, Its 15 minutes ahead so that I might not have to chase the bus again. But from 1:27 AM to 5:45 AM?


Not such a good amount of hours for me.


So, automatically I get up, turn off the radio, go back to bed. Barely remember doing that.


I get up in a rush. Its 8:28 AM. Bus comes at 6:50-7:00 AM. Mom will already be mad that I missed the bus. She'll was even more angry finding me asleep. After I checked my watch at 8:28, I figure I might as well sleep however long I can before she finds me. Fifteen minutes later, she wakes me up, obvisiously not happy. She took a shower first, then I did. Still not awake, but awake to operate. I do my morning routine, then by 10, she brought me to school. Missed the first and second period, so all I got now is this Study, Gym next, then English. Perfect... 'cept the English part. That buzz killer of a book ain't gonna read itself, so I'll crank out the next 10 minutes reading it.


Bye y'all...






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