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14 Hours Of Anime Usa Fun!



Well, Katsucon was my first con, but Anime USA really gave me the con experience. (But it'd be unfair to compare the two, I went to Katsu on Sunday, AUSA on Saturday, and Saturdays are more jam-packd than Sundays.)


I was there for 14.5 hours and had a blast! There were various panels, workshops, a manga library, screenings of anime and AMVs (Anime Music Videos), cosplayers, etc etc.


Let me break it down for you:

I arrived at 8:30 and headed to Tsubasa. It wasn't playing, so at 8:50 I headed up to registration. Long line! Oops,I should have gotten there sooner. But while waiting for friends, I met two others people in line with me, and we had a good chat. One guy had a keyblade and let me hold it while he went to his car. It was fun hosting it on my shoulder.


Then we registered and checked out the Artist's alley. That was cool, and I came back later to see even more.

Other highlights were the Constructing Mecha panel, the Manga library, and the Go workshop (the game "Go," it's Japanese), along with the Dealers' room and artists' alley, various anime, and a concert that night. And I can't forget the AMVs. There was also a "Top 10 Transformer's episodes" panel.


The first amazing thing was the "Constructing Mecha" panel. Little did I realize that this was a Constrcting Lego Mecha panel, in which some WAMALUG guys showed of mecha MOCs and discussed the overall framework (skeleton) and connections, gears, friction, and anything essential for constructing Lego Mecha. Then they answerd questions and us Lego builders helped one noob adult figure out some Lego stuff so he could get into Lego!


The Manga Library was another great idea. Don't have a panel to go to or want to chill? Get hooked on a new manga for free here! Choose a manga they have and sit down. That's all there is to it!


The AMV's were so cool! I've never really stuck to it, so being "forced" to watch some was amazing. I liked it. Search for "Code Monkey AMV." That won an award and I am now a fan of the song. There were other good ones that won too, like "Nakama (Part 1)" with "Easy" by Barenaked Ladies using One Piece, and a Kingdom Hearts AMV called "What Have You Done" (song is also "What Have You Done" by Within Temptation)


I didn't take pix, but if you find the official AUSA picture site, go to page 4 in the "Friday-out on the Floor" and you'll see an amazing Hollow from Bleach. He has a mirror on his chest and back to really make him look hollow!

I did take pix of my goodies from the Dealers' room, but that deserves an entry of its own. I think next time I'll take my camera but take photos from a distance so I'm not an annoying fanboy. (wait. Are there fanboys? Or is that a bad thing? Alright, I didn't want to be an annoying fan.)


At night, before my friends and I left at 11 o'clock, we went to the Back-On concert for a while and pumped our fists, waved our hands, etc.


What a great Otaku day. Definitely made my weekend!


-CF :kakama:

Quote of the Day: Anime: Even drugs are cheaper

-(On a shirt at AUSA)

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