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*crawls out of random hole*




Though I'm quite sick at the moment - a bug's going around, and I swear it's like everyone and their pet gopher is sick this week. D:


Not to mention I got my daily iron dose yanked up, which is just lovely considering the side effects it has on my digestive track. >>




I'd better get better by Monday. That's my first official day at work and the manager is really expecting me to be there! ;.;


Hopefully, eating all that turkey tomorrow will help me get to sleep easier. Sinus congestion = insomnia = FAIL. D: I mean c'mon, I fell asleep in the middle of my sister's 16th birthday party on Sunday and totally freaked out my diabetic friend. I felt so bad... I woke up and everyone had left already. ><


Ugh... Is it too much to ask for some decent sleep when everyone else is sleeping?


*shakes fist at subconscious*




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Ooh, sick right before Thanksgiving? That REALLY stinks. Well, whatever it is hasn't spread to this area, but I have no doubt that it will eventually. Hope you feel better!
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Aw, feel better Niki. ^w^


As for sleep... if you need to be awake... caffeine. =D


I don't get enough sleep either (in my opinion at least, lol... I'm one of those 10-hour people, I think it's genetic)


Speaking of which we recently did sleep in Psychology. REM and whatnot.


Take a power nap! Only 20 minutes or you'll go into slow wave sleep and feel drowsy upon awakening.

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Ugh, insomnia...



I can relate to you somewhat in regards to your problem. I've had insomnia before, and for months at a time.



I really can't suggest anything that'd help overnight. However; you could start slowly going to bed later and later(or if possible, earlier and earlier) until you're going to bed at the right time, which actually does work(And I've done it before), but it kinda messes around with real life's schedule a bit, not to mention how it'll make you a bit confused and dazed as to what the day is for a while.



You'll get better, I'm sure. I have...



I'll pray for you, Niki. I'd hate for you to have that sleeping disorder for as long as I did.






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*Stays up and tries to finish art projects due*




As for sleep... if you need to be awake... caffeine. =D


High amounts of caffiene only works for about 15 mintues for me. I'm usually out like a light afterwards. :rolleyes: Thus the reason I now steer away from coffee.


Take a power nap!


I can't. D: I've tried, seriously, but I always doze off for an hour or more.


My mom is the power nap wizard. She can just sit down, go to sleep, and wake up exactly when she needs to.


Maybe I should take lessons. :P



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You just answered your own problem.


Drink coffee fifteen minutes before you need to go to sleep.


Though, I wouldn't really know as coffee has no effect on me,

and I just think of it as another beverage. Apple juice suffices too.

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My mom is the power nap wizard. She can just sit down, go to sleep, and wake up exactly when she needs to.


Maybe I should take lessons. :P



...my Mom does that too...


I wish I could do that, XD. ;_; Takes me forever to fall asleep.



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My grandpa can just fall asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow... as for waking up, though, well... :P


Or how about meditating? I've actually succeeded in doing that... once... it was a very bizzare feeling.

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