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A Mock Of Mine...

Cap'n Tek



Yeah, you read right Not MOC but rather Mock...


A while back I found that one can almost make a whole Toa Inika (Or Mahri or a Piraka... or even, it appears, Phantoka [both Toa and Makuta]) using almost all Pearl Dark Grey (AKA: Gunmetal). I quickly snapped a Toa together, and here he is.




I guess the thing that is decent about these kinds of Toa is their articulation. They can move at their hands, feet, knees, elbows, thighs, shoulders, and their necks (13 points of articulation for those keeping score at home). Thus one can pose them, like So:




My main complaint however is the proportions in these characters. Especially the length of their arms. In normal humanoid builds hands come down to the mid thigh--not to or past the knee...




Another thing I have against these designs is the shoulders. Again in normal humanoids shoulders have about the same broadness as their hips, yet with the new Piraka Torso (And even more in Kongu Mahri's torso) the shoulders are way too broad...




So, there you have it. These guys are Action figures--they're becoming almost as bad as the old Galador sets, and while one can still MOC with their parts it's becoming harder and harder...


Yes I know this has been covered by many before, but these are my thoughts on the matter. I am open to any points that one may have--either for or against. Yup


Oh, and if you're curious here's the Gallery.




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1. Where'd the double sockets come from?


2. You couldn't find any hand sockets in this color? Hm. I find it odd that such a piece hasn't been made.

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1. Vezon and Fenrakk-- though I didn't take them from my set. I bought them... elsewhere...


2. Nope they were never made... Maybe sometime once they are made I'll edit this guy =P

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I definitely agree. I remember one day picking up my Jaller Inika, looking at him and thinking "those proportions are hideous!" This was mainly aimed at just how wide the shoulders are and the fact that the arms don't even touch the body when falling straight - that huge gap between arm and body is not normal.


Given another weapon and mask, what you've made could probably be sold as a new set. Making a new Toa is that easy, folks! All it needs is the same assortment of pieces used over the last two years, a different mask and weapon and bam! There it is! You could be a Lego set designer.

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One of the very few things I disagree with in terms of the new sets.


Yeah, they're not humanoid proportions--but what they are is stylistic. They're very dynamic in a lot of ways (Naturally you have your trainwrecks like Hewkii Mahri and Kongu Mahri) but for the most part they actually make them rather interesting to look at.


At least in my opinion.



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I'm in agreement with you on this one Tek. It'd be nicer if the sets were more realistic.


Currently they look like comic book super heroes with the teeny waists and the huge shoulders. :rolleyes:


Oh yeah, the arms proportioned like an orangutan's are strange as well.... :blink:


~ :a: ~

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