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Thanksgiving Rush



Sorry I haven't done much with my blog recently. As of now I'm working on that 2008 Astronomy rundown, and it's pretty time consuming. I gained about four pounds on Thanksgiving, and I'm quite happy about it. I've been staying up pretty late too, as my chance to do that will end tomorrow; at least until next Friday.


I watched Spiderman 3 last night for the first time. To be honest, I thought the first two were better, although the action scenes were awesome. It's quite amazing what pride and arrogance can do to a person (namely Peter Parker). It was good that Harry died though. If he hadn't died, MJ would have been torn between the two of them, and she couldn't have truly loved Peter.


I got Makuta in the mail yesterday from a trade with someone here on BZPower, so I've spent most of the last day playing with it. I decided to put Kraata in the Rahkshi back pieces on his body, and make it so that my Toa would have to remove and kill the three Kraata before they could defeat Makuta. I'm also really excited about his MOCing possibilities.


Finally, I've gotten addicted to the 3-D Pinball game that comes with Windows XP. My highest score is 6,198,250. I've never done that good in my life, but I scored that yesterday afternoon.


Well, I'm off to try to beat that score now, talk to you all later.


Recommended Comments

Spider-Man 3 made the first two movies almost pointless, especially once the butler explained to Harry something that should've been told sooner.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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