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I got him. Last one of them.



The Matoran are good, Karzahni has a strong build, but I don't know about the trap yet, since It doesnt have half it's parts.



Other than that, this set is awesome. Go buy it. :P





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Yeah, Karzahni is pretty good, but it's just too expensive. I think it's 60 Dollars here in Canada. But it does have good green parts... wish I did have it... Why is half the trap missing?

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Everything was sealed. Tomorrow, I'm going to contact Lego and ask for another bag 5 (The bag of parts for the trap). Also, oddly enough, there was an minifig head in with the set... :blink:

When I was in the LEGO Aisle, Some little kid was there, pressing all the buttons for the displays,then talking to his dad about The Amhri (And i heard some of it, and he was saying they were the evil guys. :P)

Then, in line, him and his dad were behind me (I think he was buying Hydraxon), and he saw the back of the Karzahni box,a nd said "The Blue guy and the Yellow guy on the box there are best friends" XD


Pros and Cons of Karzahni:



-Great Value. 2 Mahritoran= $10. A Titan about Karzahni's size= $30. Trap= I'd say about $10.

-The Matoran are great.

-MOCer Heaven. I'll list all the pieces that are great when i'm done..

-Unique head.

-Nice color scheme.

-Strong build.



-No real weapon

-Legs aren't bulky enough

-Takadox swords are out of place

-Matoran have odd weapons


Now, the parts...


-Green/Lime green Mantax Armor x3

-Ehlek head x2

-Hewkii Chain Links x20


-Kongu Mahri Eyepiece x2

-Metru Red Bohrok Arm x2

-Dark Blue Bohrok Arm x2

-Takadox Sword x2

-Green Pridak Feet x2

-Dark Green Large Viking Horns x2

-Green Mantax feet x2

-Green Rahkshi Legs x2


-Nuparu Inika claw x1

-Black Inika Body x2

-Silver Piraka Body x1

-Red Bohrok Eyes x2

-Hewkii Mahri Sword x2

-Silver Inika Shoulder Armor x1

-Bordakh Staffs x8

-Hewkii Mahri Shoulder Sword x1

-Silver Onua Mata claws x2

-Mantax Claws x2

-Silver Mahri tubes x4

-RED mahri tubes x2

-Gunmetal Gray Lehvak-Kal handshields x2

-Vezon Cape x1

-Silver Viking Horns x2

-Green Piraka legs x2

-Lime Green Viking Horns x16

-Silver Toa Metru Chest Armor x2

-Hahli Mahri feet x2

-Jaller Inika Feet x2

-Squid Launcher x1

-Squid Ammo x2

-New Balljoint Piece x4

-Toa Metru Heads x2

-Transblue Hand pieces x5

-Vakama Metru Mask x1



Yes, alot of GREAT pieces. MOCers heaven.

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Whoa... Awesome. You're right, they are MOCer heaven... I never noticed some of them though, like where's Hewkii's Warblade? Didn't you say it was in there? EDIT: Oh, and the "Metru armour" is Hordika Armour ;) Right? You're talking about the Matoran chest armour pieces?

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