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Pray Everyone, Please.



The day hasn't been bad so far. ALmost missed the bus if I didn't take my bike and got there on spot where the bus came. If I had said bye to my mom or put on the belt to my jeans, I would've missed it!


Yeah, I had a rushing morning. Taking a shower and shave, get dressed, make a small breakfast, make sure you have everything, decide whether or not to bring a book, all in 50 minutes is a hard task, especially if I had 4-5 hours of sleep and could care less. Dunno what drove me to actually do it. Must've been my Mom's threating side...


Well, you came here for the title.


My friend's mom has Breast Cancer. Week or two ago she found out, told my friend, friend told me to do my "prayer thing"


Lady Ranna ~ Spirit Keeper's father is in the hospital.


Gukurak's acquaintance had a lung collapse.


Taki is facing a lot of difficulty in his life right now. His blog is inactive as of now (don't worry, it'll come back).


What I'm asking for you is to pray for them. And if you don't believe, then try to cheer them up. Give some support, even if you don't know them outside from an acquaintance. Heck, I don't know Lady Ranna as far as that one blog entry. Same with Gukurak.


But please, not even in the spirit of Christmas, but of good will, pray and help those in need.


And remember to pray for those out there in the world without families, warmth, a roof over their heads or food for that matter. It doesn't have to be in other countries, because in this country it happens too. I know, I have come very close to having my best clothes come from the Thrift Shop. I think I still have a few of those old shirts somewhere...


I have to talk to my friend soon. She doesn't know I know about her mom's cancer. And for it to hit this close in her family is tragic. Not to mention it being this close to the Holidays.


Everyone can give the gift of a simple prayer. So if its better to give than receive, why not give a prayer? And helping one another is a great way to make a friend. And a friendship is worth more than gold.


Christmas gifts shouldn't be measured from the amount of cash you spent, but how much love from your heart you're willing to give.



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