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Danska: Shadow Master


Has anyone wondered why I have, of all things, a penguin as a personal photo?


No? Thought not. But for the benefit of those non-existant few, I shall explain!


It all began with a rather large muffin... As anyone who's seen my kits will know, I've dabbled a bit in pixel art. I don't consider myself a great pixel artist - quite the contrary in fact - I'd say there are a number of people on BZP who have a much better grasp of it than I. This has not, however, stopped me from experimenting. My first major, non-bionicle experimentation was the penguin.




Yes, he is annoyed. And he's looking at YOU!


Well actually, he's looking sideways. But that's hardly the point, is it?


The Penguin here is an unusual creature, for he is no normal penguin! His quiet demeanour hides a deadly rage which can consume entire worlds! Armed with fearsome laser vision and the power of telekinesis, you don't want to get in his way now, do you?




See? Deadly! But how can such a dangerous foe be defeated? Join me next time to find out!


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