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A Mass Effect

Watashi Wa


If you have an Xbox360 you owe it to yourself to buy Mass Effect. I usually don't like RPGs, but this has more of an action feel to it. It's the best $65 I've ever spent.


In other news, my car isn't wanting to work properly. After driving myself to school for nearly two years, it was different having to wait for my mom to pick me up after school. I hope we can get it fixed soon. I got half-way down my street and my car decided it didn't want to accelerate anymore. Luckily, I was able to roll back into my drive way.


Only about 4-6 more weeks before I'll be an uncle. I hope it's sooner than later because December is going to be one heck of a month for me. I'm scheduled to take the ACT, my other sister graduates from college, and I'll have a slew of Christmas parties to attend. I'd also love to see the Trans-Syberian Orchestra perform in Birmingham on New Years Eve (or so I think it was New Years Eve). Throw in some rough drafts for my research paper, work, and Mass Effect and it all adds to me=tired.


And after two and a half weeks of a hiatus in Collegen Algebra, we've started class again. I don't know if I'm excited that I finally get to learn something new, or if I'm dreading the fact that the teacher we have is known for the mass amounts of homework he gives. Only time will tell.


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