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Dog Escaped Death Going 35 Mph



Yeah, funny story...


My sister's dog got out yesterday at around 6:00 p.m. He's just a bit over 1 year old so he doesn't know any better to stay off the road. So he goes full-speed down the road and a car going about 35 mph is heading straight for him. The dog stops in front of it because he's never seen something like that before. Couple seconds later and BANG! He's rolling under the car, then pops out behind the car. He picks himself up, and comes back home.


My family and I take him to a 24-hour veterinarian to get him checked out. He got an x-ray and a little physical to check for broken bones, etc. X-rays showed no broken bones or any hemorrhages, and the physical showed nothing was out of place. The only injuries that he got was his canine tooth had actually pierced through his lip, but it got out by itself and it just left a small hole, he's got a bit of swelling on one of his muscles, and a grease mark on his head.


Very interesting night..


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