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Kanohi Newva

Wrinkledlion X


One thing that's been bugging me lately is the way that everyone's complaining about the New Nuva masks. I personally think they all have many similarities in design with their older forms. They may be shaped differently or be a different size, but ,uch of it is still there.


First, here's a diagram illustrating the Miru Nuva's designs made by Aanchir. (In fact, those lines going back from the new version's eyes could be interpreted as highly diminished fins.)



Next is one that I made for the Kakama Nuva. This one uses multiple colors to differentiate on the smaller pictures. (Because many of the things that are highlighted are lines or ridges, I have an unmarked version underneath.)



I don't think a chart for the Akaku is necessary.


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But... but... I didn't like the Kanohi Nuva...


You are right, there are similarities. I like Kopaka's and Lewa's Newva masks better than the old, actually (as far as I can tell now) Give Pohatu's mask an upper portion and he'll be alright too.



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I'll agree in an instant there are similarities, but when I look at the Miru and Kakama Phantoka I see, without the potential for doubt, the Faxon and Vahi respectively. Shown just the masks out of any context, I would never have thought they were the Miru and Kakama Nuva.


I exaggerate slightly, because if I did have to sit down and pick out defining features of the Miru Phantoka, I could arrive at the Miru Nuva, but because it looks so much more like the Faxon I'd have no motivation to. And Pohatu's mask uses the six-year trademark shape of the Vahi, so there wouldn't appear to be any need to try to figure out what mask it is by means of similar features.

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