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Character Journal: Torch

Soroc: Jedi of Stone


Prisoner Diary Entry: 45 days since capture

I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.


I have not had a dose of Pump in over six weeks. The prison doctors tell me that that is a good thing, that Pump was destroying my body, but I feel weak. I cannot bear it any longer. There is a sheet on my bed that could make a noose; I think I'll use that route.


Prisoner Diary Entry: 46 days since capture

I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.

Today, I lost my sheet priviliges. The cruelty of the system that will not allow sweet release from captivity...


Prisoner Diary Entry: 47 days since capture


I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.

I have a new cellmate today. He claims that he was captured by a male Toa of Plantlife in a brown robe called "The Gardener." I didn't tell him why I was here, but now I know something that he doesn't. That's always good in prison.


Prisoner Diary Entry: 48 days since capture

I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.

I was examined by prison doctors today, but not the same ones that examined be when I was admitted. It was an uncomfortably thorough examination. I felt like a Mahi on the auction block. There was one Toa, though, that did nothing. He just stood against the wall and watched, his Elda expressionless. He looked vaguely familliar, but I don't know why. The doctors told me nothing about why I was being examined.


Prisoner Diary Entry: 49 days since capture


I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.

Nothing happened today except for my cellmate being taken away.


Prisoner Diary Entry: 50 days since capture


I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.

I feel happier than I have in a long time. The Toa that watched my examination the day before yesterday came into my cell and told me that I would be freed if I agreed to enter in a program! naturally, I consented, and then I was whisked off to a different part of the prison. this place feels more like a hospital than a prison. Everything is cleaner, and I even get a viewscreen in my room! The Toa that brought me here, the one with the Elda, still seems familliar, but I still can't remember.


Prisoner Diary Entry: 51 days since capture


That Toa walked into may room again and began to tell me about what they were going to do to me. I didn't understand most of it, something about surgery, but I did understand that I was going to be given Overpump again! I think I'm actually crying now in relief. He also told me that, thanks to my arrest report, he now knew who the Gardener was. I was glad to help him; I think he's actually my friend. I havn't had friends since I was a Matoran, one hundred and three years ago.


I still hate Loc for putting me in prison, though.


Prisoner Diary Entry: 52 days since capture

I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.

The Leader made an anouncement today. He said that a deluded troublemaker calling herself "The Gardener" had been captured in her home. This doesn't seem right. My Friend told me that my story had told him who the Gardener was, but the Leader says the Gardener was female, and I told him that I was captured by a male Toa of Plantlife. I'm so confused...


Prisoner Diary Entry: 53 days since capture


I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.

I remembered where I had seen my friend before! he was standing in the background when I was shown a horrible bug-thing and told to guess at it's weakness. I guessed water, but that was the only thing I could think of. That Skakdi scared me. Anyway, my freind was standing against a wall and silently watching, like he was during my examination. I seem to recall one of the testers calling him "minister." Maybe that's his name!


Prisoner Diary Entry: 54 days since capture


I hate the one called Loc. He has stolen everything from me; he stole my freedom, my friends, even my bike. I despise him with every molecule of my being, and I hope to be the one to cause his corpse to shrivel in consuming flames. I hate the one called Loc.

Minister came today and told me that I would be put under surgery tomorrow. he also said that I would have to stop writing in my journal. I'm a little excited. If I can't write in my journal, that means that I'm about to do something secret. I always wanted to be a secret agent, ever since I was a Matoran, but then I was made a assembly-line worker. I finally get to live my dream!


No more entries.




Recommended Comments

Ooh, I was hoping you'd do something like this. I remember Torch--he was that annoying Overpump addict who Loc got his bike from. Having read all of City Of The Toa so far, I appreciate the references to it. LOL, he thought the Minister of Security was named "Minister". :lol:


The only thing is that parts of it don't reflect his personality--he seems more mellow (and intelligent) in a few certain parts than he was in the story, though I guess that his personality could change after being off Overpump for over a month.


Good job in general, especially with the constant repitition of that "I hate the one called Loc" paragraph. I hope you'll do more like these in the future. :)

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Ha! I love it! Finding out what Torch has been up to was a real treat. I also how you worked the 'minister' in. Very good job, my freind.

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