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Act Your Age, Not Your Shoe Size



Alright, here's how it goes.


I'm currently sitting in my fourth hour Digital Design class, which is probably the worst elective I've ever had, ever. It's so boring. Especially when a friend that's in the class is at home sick and you're stuck in class with a substitute teacher and a bunch of freshmen with the maturity level of an eight year old. I feel like I'm coming down with something as I write this. My nose is sniffling and my throat has that funny feeling that can only be described as 'yeah, you're getting sick'. The aforementioned sick friend had a 103 fever last night when I spoke to her, and she sounded awful. I really hope I don't come down with one of those and I really hope she gets better soon. Anyway I'm having a text message conversation with a friend at work, and apparently I'm taking her shift tonight. A closing shift, at that. Whatever. At least it's a cashier shift. Those are somewhat fun.


The plan is to purchase a guitar this weekend. A friend of mine has been giving me lessons the last few weeks, and I've decided that I really should get my own to practice. Still haven't decided on electric or acoustic, but we'll see. Learning guitar is something I've wanted to do for years, but just never really followed through. Should be fun.


And a bit of an update on my last blog entry: what I have planned for the COT Forum is ready (and has been for a while now) and I'm just waiting (and waiting...) for the go-ahead. ;)


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Yeah, My shoe size is 7. I'm lucky I don't ack like that. :P


Oh, Trust me, you WILL get sick. I allready am, And everyone in florida (Including me) Will soon be sick :evil: Muhahahaha. :P



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Try to find an acoustic for cheap or free. Every other person has an old guitar lying around in his or her attic. I got my classical guitar for free.


This way you can save your money for a nice electric. ;)

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Yeah, My shoe size is 7. I'm lucky I don't ack like that. :P


Oh, Trust me, you WILL get sick. I allready am, And everyone in florida (Including me) Will soon be sick :evil: Muhahahaha. :P




Thank heavens I won't be back there till after Christmas. :fear:

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Yeah, My shoe size is 7. I'm lucky I don't ack like that. :P


Oh, Trust me, you WILL get sick. I allready am, And everyone in florida (Including me) Will soon be sick :evil: Muhahahaha. :P




Thank heavens I won't be back there till after Christmas. :fear:


If you are, You better make a run for it. :P



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I can easily act my own shoe size and get away with it, being only a small number off of my own.


I has big feets.


Canadian Shoe sizes are the same as American, right? How do you have size 18 feet? That's just stupid


Albeit, I could get away acting my shoe size as well what with my size 14/15 :P

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