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Unproductively And Ssc4 Update



I'm am entering dead weak here at the University of my state, which is a really cool and I really like living in it at times... except for when the one short day of snow turns into a downpour of rain. URG... uh, where was I? Oh yeah, dead week before finals. I'm entering that. Sounds like fun, although I never really got much done in the so called dead weeks of high school, so we'll see about it this year.


It's not so much that nothings happening this week... we don't have to take any midterms... (although I'm sure some Chem teachers wouldn't mind throwing some at us if they could. :sarcastic: ) ... we don't have chem labs... we don't have free time. Nope, instead it's study until you drop dead, but not quite that far because then you wasted a tuition bill for a quarter. I'm not much one for studying, but I can do a bit of it every now and then.


Oh, but that's not the worst of it all. Let me tell you what the worst is. Dead week is final project week. That means final projects are due this week.


I have to currently write a paper for drama that is part of a group project. The group paper is due Friday, but my group wants all individual papers in by Wednesday. I have to do a character analysis on a character I'm not very interested in. It's not that he's a Shakespeare character... its that he is not a main character in the play. So I think I have some research ahead of me... as well as some analytical thinking for writing the paper in the first place. Why did so and so feel motivated to do such and such? Well, because he wanted to. Duh!


I also have a Geography final paper due Thursday. It requires a lot of scientific research and interpretation of the evidence and such, much of which I haven't really started. However, whenever I look for some useful material, I find a bunch of other mish-mash of or relating to the subject at hand minorly. Uhg. That's gonna be five pages of Karzahni (2.5 with double spaces! :bigsmile: ) that I need to really work on.


And although there's no lab or midterm, I have chemistry homework and a final next week. Bah.


So with all this stuff to prepare for, I'm up at 5:00 in the morning on BZPower and other social-community websites that will remained unnamed (even though they're sometimes useful for contacting that class partner who doesn't answer their phone/e-mail but quickly replies to their private message over said site). I haven't worked towards any of my classes. I've thought about it, and that thinking has given me a migraine, so I gave up.


However... progress is being made on my Short Story Contest #4 entry. I had about half of it done, with the boring introduction and some soul searching and stuff. It was already getting pretty long, nearing 8 pages. Tonight, I finished writing up the big battle sequence, and I need to go back through it to make sure I got all the important parts that I wanted. In the end, I think it turned out to be an exciting and inspirational story. It involved Matoran proving themselves where Toa can't, and has a few good jokes as well... I hope others pick them out and enjoy them too. Problem is that it's roughly 12 pages long... and about 6,000 words. I heard the suggested limit was 4,000... oops. I may trim it down in places, to make sure it has a good read. I think it's pretty smooth, but of course I think that because I wrote it.


Anyway, to whet your appetite, I'll list off the main characters for you, so you'll know a bit of what to expect. :sly:


It stars Tahu, Vakama, Takua, Jaller...

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Kapura, Kopeke, Nuparu, and Kongu, with brief cameos of Lewa and Matau.


And now for sleep! (I have class in four hours)



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