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Well, I'll get to my problems next blog, but for now....

Anyone not allowed to see/in a sticky situation trying to see The Golden Compass?


Like I said, I'll get to my own problems later.


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Just then, in the blink of an eye, nothing happened.


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I tried to read the book once and gave up. I've seen one preview for the movie, but I'm not interested in seeing it until it's the last one on the shelf at the DVD rental store.


And I believe you quote is wrong. Nothing did not happen; an eye blinked.



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It's not god. There is no 'god' in the books. It's an immitator, and the protagonists really do everyone a favour.



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It's not god. There is no 'god' in the books. It's an immitator, and the protagonists really do everyone a favour.



Oh, that's good. Now I might read the 3rd book.


I need to tell my mom that. It might help convince her to let me see it.



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I could, but I don't like childish-like movies with the girl and her animal or whatever It's about. I'm sure the book is good, though.

It's not childish! It's rated PG-13 for starters. The animals are really spirits, and if you aren't an adult it can change shape/animals.


I first read it in eighth grade and am reading it again four years later and am greatly enjoying it. I would definitely recommend reading it.



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