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For those of you who didn't get the title, rent Mr. Bean's Holiday immediately. My family and I enjoyed it rather a lot. It's one of those movies that makes me want to travel to the setting (France, in this case) for a vacation immediately, not unlike LotR.


Anyway, to my regular readers (Yes, I know you're out there), I apologize for not having blogged for the last nine days (an unforgivably long time, I know). It's just that first I was feeling really lazy, then I got the cold which I had been trying to avoid since Thanksgiving, which contributed even more to the laziness and mental stagnation (not really conducive to blogging even remotely thoughful entries) then I got better and had a bunch of stuff I needed to do. But now, the celebration of the Feast of St. Nicholas (who presumably looked like this, only not so small and plastic.) gives me an excuse to unload my list of gifts on an unsuspecting populace. You see, in our family we do all our gift-giving on St. Nick's day, so as to leave Christmas free for us to focus on its true meaning and all (Plus my Mom is half Dutch, so there's that whole heritage thing). It's a bit inconvenient since my giftage is out of sync with 99.9% of the rest of the country, but it's always fun when people ask me what gifts I got for Christmas and I tell them I didn't.


So, here's what I got:

Bionicle Legends#8: Downfall (Backordered, actually)

The Bad Catholic's Guide to Good Living (Hilarious)

Nacho Cheese Doritos (Which with sour cream becomes my snack of choice)

Assorted Candies (All of which I've already consumed)

Transformers: The Score (Pretty much win)

A new CD player (No shuffle function?)

Lego Star Wars I (To share w/sibs)

A puzzle book published by Life magazine, the precise name of which escapes my sleep-addled brain

$27 from my grandparents


Plus I miiight be getting Tanma and Photok when they become available (I seem to be using my parentheses quite a lot...Maybe they're the new ellipsises?).


Happy Sinterklaas!




Recommended Comments

The Transformers Score is total win. (and that's the first time I've every said that something is "win" like that)


Anyway, pretty cool stuff you got there!



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