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I Just Saw The Icarax....



Wow, obviously I cannot say much more about how it looks for now. I will say that it was a bit of a let down, there are not very many new parts on it. It has a few good spots but man, this is supposed to be Makuta! Super awesome bad guy extrodanaire! Reminds me more of Ultimate Dume than the real Makuta. I wonder what the price will be for the set. As of now, Toa Ignika is the set I want the most, that kanohi looks to be one of the best.


*Is a sad bear*


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He's not supposed to be the Makuta. He's supposed to be a Makuta (not the MoMN, his real name hasn't been revealed yet). And it's not the Icarax. It's just... well... Icarax. Or Makuta Icarax, if you want it to be formal.


Anyway, I think he's pretty good, besides the fact that his armor has almost no stylistic consistency. The fact that LEGO went to the trouble to use the Makuta Phantoka torso in a set that's not even close to being a clone set is also nice, though it's clear that they only did that out of a desire to include the collectibles featured in this year's other Makuta sets.


Oh, btw, I managed to get a face/head sketch done for Icarax today. It looks awesome so far. Can't wait for personality details on the other Makuta for the year so I can come up with designs for them. :D

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I would have liked it if his armor was all black, or if had the orginal look of the first Makuta with slight custom differences. Like, maybe, a slash of green on his right shoulder plate or something. Something distinctive.
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I have to say, I don't really like any of the Makuta sets. They just don't scream 'Makuta' at me. I expect them to look more like...well, Makuta.



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I have to say, I don't really like any of the Makuta sets. They just don't scream 'Makuta' at me. I expect them to look more like...well, Makuta.




Exactly, Makuta are supposed to be one of the most feared beings in the Bionicle universe... these scrawny kids are nothing when you compare them to some of the bulk of Dark Hunters. Take Devestator (SP) for example, his bulk was impressive, yet he was just a minion working for the DH. I would like to see larger makuta sets, with less gaps.

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