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Random Rantings Of Daily Life

Roa McToa


Here I sit, able to scratch out another blog entry whilst in the rainy mists of Seward.


Work has been a rather.... interesting prospect for me. I have been going through a lot of stress dealing with an angry co-worker (he is just an angry person, and can't help it). That has put an unimagineable amount of crazy tension on my brain lately. That, and another thing that finally got resolved is that my Boss has a rather... ermm unscrupulous... history when it comes to other women, and his wife was very uneasy about me working there because of his past history. But I was able to finally speak with her, and NOT get fired for some stupid reason, like being the only girl working at the tool rental..... ;)


I have been learning a lot, and am finally getting better at driving the forklift. I've been doing some auto mechaniching too, fixing things like brakelines, changing oil, reassembling parts for the plow truck, etc... I also repaired a broken bearing in one of our ocsillating sanders, and that made the boss proud, but I think the mechanic feels like I am stepping on his toes. The rental shop doesn't have enough space for all the tools we have, so it gets interesting dealing with eachother, and with customers.


Zieon and I have been having a great time! I really enjoy his company, and he is as crazy for videogames as I am! He's really good to me, and treats me with respect. His two kids are really cool too. They are mentally advanced moreso than other kids their age, simply because of what they have seen in their lives, and from having real heart to heart conversations with their father. So as far as personal life stuff, all that is going great!


I'm talking with the people here at the local library to have my mocs put on display in one of their display cases, and that is looking pretty good as far as it happening! I'll be sure to post the datres for when my models are on display, so that any one you BZP members who happen to be in Seward, can check out my mocs! :)


I'll be working on a detailed Seward Life entry soon with lots of pictures.


Heres to another day in paradise!




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If I may ask, who is Zieon?


CL13 has spoken




OFFF TOPIC- Your MoCs were featured on Demand on Comcast. I didn't know the Green Giant Rahi had functions.

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Zieon is my boyfriend. His actual name and middle name is John Carl (JC for short) but after getting divorced, he went through a meltdown, and started life as a new person, hence the name. :) He's very spiritual and metaphysical. :)

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