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*gets Mobbed By People Who Only Got Into Bionicle In 2005*



Heh, long title.


I hate Makuta. Or, rather, I hate what he has become.


*wonders who wrote the story for MNOG1*





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Assuming you're talking about the Makuta of Metru Nui: You mean a miasma of antidermis? I think it's kinda cool.


Assuming you're talking about the '08 Makuta's: The sets have potential, naturally the potential is not utilized.

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mnog... the good ol' days of makuta being a possesed matoran/ assimilation of raw parts... goooooood times. i myself have been off an on bionicle since 01, 05-06 was the period where i completely forgot about it.... i missed out on some good parts *sobs*


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I kind of agree wih you. He's become much less of an evil deity... more of just a bad guy.


Ah well.



Yeah, I know. Now he's just a cliché villain, and has lost most of his awesomeness.


And the "I am Nothing" scene in MNOG is my favorite scene in the entire storyline, ever.




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that is true, he is nothing... just raw energy, cannot be destroyed, cannot be re-created. that is also one of my favorite cutscenes... aside from saving the matoran in their little escape pod... the fight between hahli and the takrava reminded me of rock em' sock em' robots. but makuta is nothing more than a little villan now, the barakki are fish and tougher than him. i remember the good 'ol days where it took a team of toa to make him even a little weak, now a single toa can beat him into submission...

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I...actually like Makuta...But I'm a sucker for evil geniuses.

Especially when they take everything into consideration, and can predict how a person will act, etc. 8O (see also: Jigsaw)

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Actually, I rather like the new Makuta. Evil deity Makuta was OK but... he didn't seem real. It was nice to know later that he wasn't, and was just toying with the Toa both through deception and rock-awesome shapeshifting.


It's nice to look at the similarities between his original appearance and his personality today. He still toys with the Toa, at least those he considers important, by trying to convince them of the evil inside themselves (visible in Time Trap and Prisoners of the Pit). He still gives no second thought to destruction, even that of his own creations. He doesn't use his shapeshifting as often to deceive enemies (at least not with the intention of confusing them), but then again he believed that he was dealing with novice Toa at the time. As his plans reach their apex, he no longer can afford to underestimate his enemies (but to an extent, he still does).

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"Um... what? I'll assume you haven't been following the storyline at all and so you are sort of making that up as an assumption? How are the barraki tougher? They don't even have powers, lol!"



i have been following the sotryline, the toa mahri had trouble defeating the barraki, but matoro launches a single blast of ice, freezes him solid, if it weren't for jallers warming of the water, makuta would have alot of trouble getting out. makuta used to be this entity that was undefeatable (aside from a blast of all six elements a.k.a protodermous) but now im sure a single toa could pop his head off.


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I like new Makuta. Sure, the whole "mysterious spirit of darkness/destruction" thing was great, but do you really think we could have gone through seven years of that? It would have lost its luster eventually. Plus, with 40+ powers, Makuta is even more dangerous than before.


And I like his more complicated schemes. In 2001, it was just "enslave the Matoran".


"Um... what? I'll assume you haven't been following the storyline at all and so you are sort of making that up as an assumption? How are the barraki tougher? They don't even have powers, lol!"



i have been following the sotryline, the toa mahri had trouble defeating the barraki, but matoro launches a single blast of ice, freezes him solid, if it weren't for jallers warming of the water, makuta would have alot of trouble getting out. makuta used to be this entity that was undefeatable (aside from a blast of all six elements a.k.a protodermous) but now im sure a single toa could pop his head off.

No. Wrong. Direct quote from BL8:


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"My thanks, Toa, for the well-timed wall of fire. Not that I couldn't have freed myself, but I was curious to see just how far Matoro was willing to go."

Plus, Makuta basically took down all six Barraki in under five minutes, with little effort, a bit later in the book. Plus he turned Takadox into a screaming wreck with illusions.

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I like new Makuta. Sure, the whole "mysterious spirit of darkness/destruction" thing was great, but do you really think we could have gone through seven years of that? It would have lost its luster eventually. Plus, with 40+ powers, Makuta is even more dangerous than before.

No, I don't necessarily think we could've gone through seven years of that, but I do think that attempting to keep the same villain around for seven years made him considerably less awesome.


And then the fact that "Makuta" is now a species. Wrong, wrong, wrong. :uhuh:




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I'm okay with there being a species, but I wish Makuta had stayed as the name of the original Makuta (aka Makuta of Metru Nui), not just a title.

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