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Blogr 12/10

The Fallen Amph


If you've noticed I've Revamped my blog. I've changed the name (along with my own) to Amphilus's -B-L-O-G-. I've put in alot of new content blocks too, such aaas - :

MY Picture: Nothing special. Just My Personal Picture of Optimus Prime's fist hitting the ground. :P


My Humble Aboad: One of my first GIF animations. A pic showing the name of my blog with effects, :D. I've added snowballs, tis da season. :xmas:


BIO: Just a short block with some of my info. As you can see, a graphic (or picture =P) of a JP T-Rex stop-motion puppet with my nickname "spray-painted" onto the pic with my interests, age, etc. under it. :rolleyes:


Song of the Week: This is basically just like BOTW only it's a song and there's no flashy banner. :D I pick a good song (a song I think is worthy of being crowned SOTW)


Artist And Their Art Spotlight!: Every...week, or so, I will pick one special artist out of the Art Forum to be "spotlighted" in My -B-L-O-G-. Just like on the Front page.. kinda ;).

It shows some of their best work, and says some of their interests and Art history. Could it be YOU?


Blogs I think are the Cooliest!: Pretty much self-explanitory. :P Just my fav blogs.


The Fav three: Just Showing who are my favorite bands.


Blog Approves. *Sighs*, I don't have any. :( - :o


I Give You..Miss Fuzzy!: Just some pics of my Hamster I wanted to share. :)


My Library: Shows My current film project and it's progress. Aaand has most of my finished movies. :popcorn:


Tyrannosaurus Rex: You'll see these often. They're "Fact Files" of Random Dinosaurs. I've started this because of the very small number of 9-12 year-olds who like them. I've liked them for 9 years now. :D


And then there's just the "normal, average" Blog stuff. And thus ends this..this....thing.




:xmas: Amphilus




Chatspeak removed - Nukora


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