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Extra! Extra! Don't Read All About It!



Well, I think several of us can be all happy and welcome Necro back to BZP after I helped him get unbanned, though I really only cleared the way for him to talk with Black Six. But I am not here to elaborate on my part, but to give Neccy a warm welcome back. :-D


On other news, I recently bought Star Wars: Battlefront II. It should be here is a few days. $21-ish for a brand new copy on Amazon. Given that the others were simply too much or too incomplete, I think I made a good buy.


Came back from the coast yesterday. Goodness, I am sore from the hike on the dunes. The last time I had to walk several miles in a strenuous shape was at the World Jamboree. But anyways, it was fun nonetheless.


And that is it, I am afraid. Not that much more to say, unless you count the essays...




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Battlefront II....great game. I got it on the PC, and I've played it on a rented PS2, and my uncle's and my friend's XBOX's. It is one fun game. Too bad I uninstalled it to make room for Morrowind, but there wasn't room for both. Anyways. FUN GAME. It really adds a new element to Star Wars gaming. Well, technically, that element was added by the first Battlefront, but from what I've heard, it is actually preferable to the first one. Hope ya have fun.

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And on that note, the aforementioned banned member comes in with his point.


@Gravitan: I asked EW if he could help. He complied and got me in contact with B6.


@EW: Thankee. ^^ Btw, if I can get your online name for battlefront II, I'd like to add ya to my friends list if and when we're on the same server. Mines "{DW} Knightfall"


@AA: Err, I don't get the guy in green tights, but nevertheless thankee.

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Welcome back, Necro. Even if I already welcomed you back.



I almost feel like saying "innappropriate content removed." :P


I feel sorry for you, PG. Maybe I found the wallet!? :D


Necro, my MacBook Pro has not arrived yet. Are you sure you sent it to me?



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I was wondering what happened to Necro. Good thing he got let back on. Seriously, I know what it's like to be banned, and it is not a fun experience...



Anyway, about Battlefront II; I have it for the X-Box. Decent game, if you ask me, but the maps are too small, and the AI's only real strategy is to flock to the command posts, or whatever you call them en-masse. Don't get me wrong; there are all sorts of tunnels and such that you can go through (when you find them) that work as rather decent shortcuts most of the time, it's just that it gets repetitive after a while. Still fun though...



Oh, and your new "Personal Photo" is win. Ewoks and all.






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No, but Neccy is supposed to send me the one he is saving up for as payment for getting back on BZP...






No, he isn't. He just told me that his parents where getting HIM one.



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I was wondering what happened to Necro. Good thing he got let back on. Seriously, I know what it's like to be banned, and it is not a fun experience...



Anyway, about Battlefront II; I have it for the X-Box. Decent game, if you ask me, but the maps are too small, and the AI's only real strategy is to flock to the command posts, or whatever you call them en-masse. Don't get me wrong; there are all sorts of tunnels and such that you can go through (when you find them) that work as rather decent shortcuts most of the time, it's just that it gets repetitive after a while. Still fun though...




Much too true. BZP is like candy, or a good computer that overheated. You don't realize how much you miss it till' it's gone. Wait, you were banned once too? Maybe we should start a "Unbanned members" club. :P


Areed. The AI is pathetic, but the maps strategic points make for fun online.


PG, you misunderstand. The one his parents will buy is the same one he will send to me. :D




True true. But I want it... :P


Again, whats your online tag? Wait, you don't have it yet. Well, tell me when you get it, kay?

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I was wondering what happened to Necro. Good thing he got let back on. Seriously, I know what it's like to be banned, and it is not a fun experience...



Anyway, about Battlefront II; I have it for the X-Box. Decent game, if you ask me, but the maps are too small, and the AI's only real strategy is to flock to the command posts, or whatever you call them en-masse. Don't get me wrong; there are all sorts of tunnels and such that you can go through (when you find them) that work as rather decent shortcuts most of the time, it's just that it gets repetitive after a while. Still fun though...




Much too true. BZP is like candy, or a good computer that overheated. You don't realize how much you miss it till' it's gone. Wait, you were banned once too? Maybe we should start a "Unbanned members" club. :P


Areed. The AI is pathetic, but the maps strategic points make for fun online.


PG, you misunderstand. The one his parents will buy is the same one he will send to me. :D




True true. But I want it... :P


Again, whats your online tag? Wait, you don't have it yet. Well, tell me when you get it, kay?


Ya, Neccy wants two of 'em. :P



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