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My Math teacher.

He's a hypocrite.

I Am done before the other students with an EASY Practice test. He snaps and whines at me demanding I can't possibly be done, I was too fast. He demands all of them are wrong.

Guess what.

I missed THREE.

And I know that they were because of misunderstandings, like prime facorization.

Then, out of the blue, He has be go into his 5th period class to do a homework assignment I got a lower grade on.

I am taking my time.

He always goes over and snaps at me, demanding that I'm not focused. I tell him I am working.

He says "lol lol i dont want to hear it go save your arguing for someone else i dont like the attitude WHERES MY PROTO?? :angry:"


I don't finish by the time 5th Period ended, and it had 10 more problems than the test, AND I had about 30 Minutes.

Then, my 6th Period teacher drove me insane. Afterwards, I go to TRU, since they said they have Phantoka.


Coustomer Service person?

About as helpful as a speck of dust.


Luckily, I might go to Target and get a $20 Maxilos and Spinax, TRU Manager said the Phantoka might be in on Wednesday, and I might have a new girlfriend soon.


Stressful days can turn into better things, I guess.


I hate my school. They don't do anything when a group of 3 kids comes and demands hugs from me every day, yet when I kick a basketball, I get detention. <_<

And if you're even late by 1 second, detention.








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