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Blog Contest: The Member Mocist!




MBC 1: The Member MOCist



It's official! Well, not really, but . . . . *shh... I stole this intro from Ballom...* :P


Basically, I have always wanted to make a contest myself... and seeing as I have a blog now, this is the perfect chance to do it!

Therefore, your mission is this: Build any fellow member(s) of BZPower you want! it can be anybody, from the newest to oldest.


Entries begin being accepted as soon as this topic is posted, and will stop being accepted on Saturday, December 29th at 11:59 P.M. EST. I will accept unlimited entries for this contest, so there's no need to rush your entry.


To enter, simply post a link to your .jpg, .gif or .png entry picture in this blog entry. Your entry post in this blog contest should appear as follows:


Entry Name:

Entry Pic URL:

Topic URL (if applicable):


You really don't need a topic, but you will probably make one anyway.




1) It MUST be a MOC of a currently known BZPower member. Don't make someone out of the blue... I'm sure you won't

2) I'm allowing up to three MOC's for the contest. One or two is also fine with me.

3) It must be a NEW creation that has not been posted on BZPower before.

4) No non LEGO parts aloud please. I'm sure everyone knows that<<<




Prizes will be announced at a later date...




Voting begins AT NOON on Sunday, December 30th. I will tally up the entries then.


The voting process will have no favorites. The finalist MOCs depend solely on the number of votes that the people replying in the topic give. Each person can only vote and reply once. However, if enough people enter, I will make multiple "polls". If you wish to null vote, say so. Of course, vote for your MOC if you want to.


Therefore, let's see some entries people! Let the contest begin!


The support banner ... tell me if it works:P




Recommended Comments

Hmm. . . I wonder who will win. Are you entering Blue Diamond? Don't ask ToM or Roa to join. . . please? They're too good. . .


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Hey, I was just wondering, can I edit my entry pic? I didn't see any rule against it....


I'll edit this with my entry pic later, or now.




Entry Name:Draxon

Entry Pic:Pic

Entry Topic:Topic

Entry Gallery:Gallery



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That's that! All the entries have been submitted for the contest.


I shall have the voting up later on today, so be sure to stop by.


With that said...


Topic closed.

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