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Reopened Wound



As you might remember, I stepped on a toothpick a few weeks back. Like I said, I couldn't find any pieces in my foot, and the toothpick appeared to be mostly complete. Wait...I don't have a blog entry on that? I thought I did...well, the story is that I didn't turn on the light because it was unneeded and there was a toothpick uprighted in the carpet.


Not too long ago (sometime last month), the area where I stepped on it started to hurt again. I took a look and even used a needle to search for wooden fragments. There weren't any so I let it go. It stopped hurting after a while.


Until yesterday when it was hurting worse than ever. While I was climbing in bed (because I don't sleep on the floor much anymore), it rubbed against the mattress in such a way that it really hurt. Tests with my finger revealed that when stroked the right way, it does...something that hurts. Then one part of the skin covering flakes off. I take the other off to reveal...a piece of wood with a flat side exposed to me.


After using the tweezers I discover it's about...hm...4 millimeters maybe? I dunno. It's hard to tell with lengths that small. A little longer than the hole on the side of the hand pieces from 2001-2007. The hole Lego took out in 2008's pieces.


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