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"make My Day" Contest Rules And Stuff

Kallista ~ Little light


"Make my day"

Is a contest where the objective is to draw a Bionicle who is usually stereo typed as "evil/prone to evil emotions" being nice and sweet.
I personally have been finding too many evil Tahu's frying around since AC14 which doesn't make sense to me because it was about reversal not who looks best evil. Ok Rant over, Here are the rules.

NO STEREOTYPING the Stereotypes!
I don't want to see a bunch of Makuta's dressed in pink having a tea party with his Rakshi.
I want to see real emotions and genuine feelings in the pictures
"think realistic but be creative"
show me like it is actually happening

If you would like to make a comic or several pictures that tell the story Be My guest!
All mediums are welcome
I will not be comparing a hand drawn with a CG. I am a thorough judge and will study the Full quality of your work before making any decisions.

All BZP Rules Apply (duh)

Note: You can place opinions on peoples work but take note that I'm the judge for this. Popular vote does not apply here. If things get tuff I might take some 2nd opinion but I make the final decision on who wins.
Problem with that? No? Good!

Extra Important note: This isn't AC14 right now. I don't want alternate universes or crazy mutations. I just want to see the good side of some characters that normally get overlooked or shoved aside.
Prime example: Tahu, he has a soft side too you know. + he is a Toa! TOA AREN'T EVIL!!!
Or TSO, there are more layers then we think so dig deep and see if you can unearth something special.

The main prize is a recording chosen by the winner.

Deadline is new years eve/ Dec 31

Well I think that might be all for now so Go forth and Draw!

Lady Ranna

Edit: Just a reminder folks


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I gotta a question I've been meaning to ask, unless I already did ask...


We're supposed to make a badguy actually be good/nice/whatev? But we have to make it seem realistic right? Not like Makuta in a dress like you said. Like they really were sweet in the storyline so to say?

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You got to search the real soft side of a character that is usually hid and bring it out into the open.


Try to be as real as possible. I would prefer you didn't make it up but if you do Make me believe it without a shadow of a doubt.


Lady Ranna



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I have a couple of questions:


1: Can they be human (manga style)?

2: For example, if you are doing Krekka, can you draw the smart side of him?


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Where do we put our entries? and do you have to be premier to enter? (that last one is a paranoia thing with me, as this is in a blog, which is only something a premier can make.)


_Xenn [/paranoia]

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I have a couple of questions:


1: Can they be human (manga style)?

2: For example, if you are doing Krekka, can you draw the smart side of him?


Yes and Yes


Lady Ranna


Nice. I'll start my entry then.

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So, just to make it unnecessarily clear, when is the exact time on December 31st that you want everything in by?


Yes, I will cut it that close. :P


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So, just to make it unnecessarily clear, when is the exact time on December 31st that you want everything in by?


Yes, I will cut it that close. :P


When it is 2008. aka midnight if you want to cut it that close.


Lady Ranna

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