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I Lost It All



Today I finally got out of school and went home for winter break. I have a couple of weeks off from classes.


That's the good news first. This is a predominantly bad-news entry.


On the way home, we stopped in a city for some food. I had my backpack in the car with my laptop, camera, iPod, and other various electronic gismos that I have used in college and could find use of at home.


Somebody broke the window of the car and took it all.


So I lost my laptop. With my laptop, my hard drive. That means, all my stories from the last seven years are gone. Sure, some of my Bionicle ones are still on BZP, but everything else is gone. Never to be seen again. Kapoosh! And I have been thinking about backing it up for some time now, but I just never got around to it.


My parent's insurance might help cover the costs of all the electronics I lost, but it would replaced all my writing. But, hey, most of those stories are not very good quality, they just had interesting plots. It's entirely likely that I could rewrite some of the better stories and make them match up with my writing quality of today.


Bionicle wise, I also had Bionicle Legends 8 in my pack... its gone now. I'm not sure if I should buy another one or just blow it off... it was a good story and I have reread it twice, but it's not anything I really need when I could find most of that stuff on BZP anyway. And I should be more concerned about replacing some other things instead. (Although the book would be the cheapest.)


So, in case the point hasn't been driven in hard enough, I have proven myself to be a totally uncool dude yet again. Good night.




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Aw nuts. I hope that the police manage to catch that guy and get your stuff back. Best of luck to you, and may the rest of your vacation be better.

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Those are some expensive electronics. I surely hope they catch the fiend that did this, I would totally be flipping out. You lost much more than just material posessions. I feel for you.

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Jeez, that really does suck. This story has suddenly made we want to back up my own story folder... hope you somehow get your stuff back.



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What sucks was that I was planning on backing up my files soon anyway, but I just never got around to it. "My computer's always locked up in my room... what could happen?"


Odds are, if they find my stuff, it'll be after the initial crooks resold it or trashed it out. This is the kind of crime that happens around Christmas time. People see expensive stuff in an unattended car, break in and take the stuff. It happens so often that there's really nothing much that can be done except to learn from one's mistakes. (Worst, we weren't in a supervised mall parking lot.) So will I ever see the 20 something Word files that are my stories again? Probably not... so I'm going to spend my winter rewriting some of them from what I can remember, and maybe make them even better quality. It's one thing to have a good plot, but if the details are too messy, it still isn't a good story.


So here's a lesson... if you're going to leave valuable stuff in your car... put it in the trunk or really cover it up, that way the crooks won't be able to just look in and see what you've got. Basic holiday shopping techniques I know... and will now try to follow more often.



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Wow. Sorry to hear that. I'm sure it's horrible having your stories gone, you put a lot of effort and creativity into those. At least make an outline of plot lines or something if you were planning on recycling those for other stories.


I'd say get the book again, if you have a collection of the others. It's only $5 and you can get a coupon from Borders or Barnes and Nobel if you're on their mailing list.

Heck, I got this and this in my email, enjoy.


Um, I'm trying to think of happy words, but the situation really sucks. Sorry.



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