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Complaint Topic Archive




Love or hate it, complaining is an important aspect of Bionicle discussion. It's always possible that real problems could exist, and constructive criticism might bring it to LEGO's attention and help Bionicle's health. The Bionicle fanbase has a unique relationship with the franchise it follows because the LEGO company is very interested in fan input and correcting such errors. In the past we have helped with such things as clone sets thanks to this. As such, the ability to complain is a privelege to be protected and even celebrated.

Of course, many complaints aren't realistic, informed, constructive, etc. or are , however the replies in many are sources of great insight into how Bionicle works, why choices have been made, and of course, into why the suggestions might not work. In addition, they are great opportunities to hone debating skills and can be for some (like me) quite enjoyable as long as they remain respectful and hopefully friendly.

Therefore, the Bones Blog is now hosting a list of BZPower complaint topics. Please help by posting URLs of more!

Gear Functions Disappearing
Violence Policy
What The...? I Don't Get It -- Matoran story roles, good always winning, etc
If You Could Rename... -- Kongu's sense of humor, personality

The Downfall of Bionicle -- gears, knockoff masks, etc
LEGO, What Are You Doing? -- biomechanical set design, snap-together builds, etc
Eye Colors
Bring Back the Gears, Masks that [Fall Off]
Too Much Articulation?
A New Color Scheme -- black sets selling poorly, new color suggestions

No New Creative Lego Designs? -- Canister set torso similarities between teams
"If I Were A Set Designer" -- Newva body design, collectibles, and more.
Back in the Olden Days -- 2001 Nostalgia
Time To Vent -- Mechnical functions, collectibles, proportion, complexity, and more
Why Fans Like the Mata Nui Saga

This was previously a sidebar, but I've decided it would work better as a blog entry.


Recommended Comments

Some of these topics scare me, but I'm glad to see you've gotten around to compiling them in an entry. Tell me, are you planning to distinguish between dead topics and living ones? That might be a helpful touch.

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People just ain't happy until there's something to complain about, eh?


Seriously, the sets nowadays are far better than the ones six-and-a-half years ago.(Though I do miss some of the older masks) Making sets today like they were back in '01 would really be a failure. And really, just about every time I've rebuilt an old style toa, I've modified it to be more articulated because I CAN'T STAND ALL THESE WORTHLESS GEARS. Ugh...people...






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Complaint Topic = Bones argues with somebody


But yeah, people complain a lot on about anything that's a change.


Nice blog header by the way. I love messing around with the MNOLG. You can get the Matoran to say some crazy stuff.

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There's nothing wrong with a topic about articulation, is there?


Yeah, that's mine. Are these good topics or bad topics?

They're not either/or. I'm not passing judgement on them one way or another in such simple terms. As I said, they can help Bionicle, and even if the opinion is 'wrong', they are learning opportunities. And it sorta depends on who you ask; a lot of people can't stand them at all, but those who enjoy debating don't mind them :)


As I recall, I posted in that particular topic agreeing with the complaint.


Some of these topics scare me, but I'm glad to see you've gotten around to compiling them in an entry. Tell me, are you planning to distinguish between dead topics and living ones? That might be a helpful touch.

It would, but it would be too much work to keep it updated.


Is the MNOG pic an edited screenshot or did you change the dialogue files?



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