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An Absence Of Color



A rant on bley. *fears the evil eye from Aanchir*

First, IMO. Please keep that statement in mind and remember that this is a blog based on opinions. There will be a rift and void between our ideas, but I think I can back up my opinion and I hope we can all remain friends and enjoy Lego together.


Now, as some of you know, I have a certain thing about the Bionicle piece color known as "Bley" or "bluish grey." The color that was introduced with the Metruan arms/joints and the Toa Metru joints.


I feel that, frankly from those two character groups, bley came in and took out the other potential color possibilities. Which I why I am saying that bley is an absence of color. In the Toa Metru, Turaga Vakama and Co. had two colors, and then their Toa forms are made and they only have one color. Their other color is bley, being used in their hands and legs, well I'm sure you know. The Metruan also had bley, and I could tell this wasn't the dark grey of Onua and the Rahkshi from before, and I thought it was ugly. So, I didn't like bley because it took up the other color potentials.


I mentioned two things: Rahkshi and other color potentials. From other color potentials I mean that there should be more color in Lego sets. Lego is a colorful group, and I don't feel the attraction when there is little color. (Take Kongu Inika for example. I didn't quite like his full dark build. (Save the small bits of silver.)) I wish Vakama had orange joints, Matau had lime, etc.

As for the rahkshi, I do remember thinking "why didn't they have orange legs and arms, etc. But I think their dark nature made the dark grey (not ugly dark bley), and the coolness of finally having knees, made up for it.

So the Metru, Vahki, and Hordika had bley. I lived with it. I was so happy to see some color in the Visorak!

Now, Reidak and Nocturn had bley, but they were black so it was their color (and by then I had realized that Lego had a color change and we weren't getting the old grey back.). So I am fine with Onua Newva probably being black and bley.


On Kongu Mahri, I bring back my absence of color. He had bley body parts when he could have had bright green (or something else, but I like bright green). On Maxilos, he has bley vahki legs, which could have been (bright) red instead. More color. Or gunmetal, because that's what he also has and Lego has that color in Vahki legs.


So that is why I don't like the Toa Newva's legs and arms, because Lewa should have another color of green (his color), Kopaka should have light bley (because he's had the light grey), and no comment on Pohatu because Lego is changing their Po sets. I don't think the bley helps the Newva at all be colorful and look like good guys. (I really don't like the bley on Lewa. He's a fun, colorful (as in mood) kind of guy and the bley just dampens that. Heck, even gunmetal is shiny, and I though his Inika armor was that at first)


As for light bley, it isn't as ugly as dark bley because having light helps bring out color, or at least isn't dark. (Remember, I want more color)


I think I can stand bley in most MOCs, for MOCs aren't official Lego stuff and are really creative. Bundaling's Pohatu MOC really proves that. It's inspired me to use bley with other color and make something awesome. If the other colors are used properly. I've seen some good bley things.


That's why I don't enjoy bley. In sets. Can't Lego use more color?!?! I'm liking the black on the Phantuka because they are bad guys and black is definitely their color (but I wish Antroz had red legs, because of color)




Quote of the Day: Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.


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A rant on bley. *fears the evil eye from Aanchir*

First, IMO. Please keep that statement in mind and remember that this is a blog based on opinions. There will be a rift and void between our ideas, but I think I can back up my opinion and I hope we can all remain friends and enjoy Lego together.

That's the reason I debate in the first place. If I didn't think people were going to listen to my ideas and defend their own, there would be no point to posting my own ideas.


Now, as some of you know, I have a certain thing about the Bionicle piece color known as "Bley" or "bluish grey." The color that was introduced with the Metruan arms/joints and the Toa Metru joints.


I feel that, frankly from those two character groups, bley came in and took out the other potential color possibilities. Which I why I am saying that bley is an absence of color. In the Toa Metru, Turaga Vakama and Co. had two colors, and then their Toa forms are made and they only have one color. Their other color is bley, being used in their hands and legs, well I'm sure you know. The Metruan also had bley, and I could tell this wasn't the dark grey of Onua and the Rahkshi from before, and I thought it was ugly. So, I didn't like bley because it took up the other color potentials.

Metru sets (excluding Titans) were lame up until the Visorak. This I won't deny; they had pretty much no redeeming qualities whatsoever, except possibly the introduction of new and versatile pieces. I don't think bley is any uglier than dark grey, though, and I prefer it in most sets and MOCs. It was just abused to the point that we were lucky it was ever usable again in a good way (which according to you, it apparently wasn't. Sorry about that).


I mentioned two things: Rahkshi and other color potentials. From other color potentials I mean that there should be more color in Lego sets. Lego is a colorful group, and I don't feel the attraction when there is little color. (Take Kongu Inika for example. I didn't quite like his full dark build. (Save the small bits of silver.)) I wish Vakama had orange joints, Matau had lime, etc.

That would have been good for the Metru, and would give them a sort of continuity with their Turaga forms which they otherwise lack altogether. Actually, Kongu's scheme was redeemed in part by the very bley this topic exists to discredit as a valuable color scheme component. While on sets that were already clones it was torture to give us such cloned color schemes. (When you think about it, only the titans of those years were not even on the verge of cloniness. Ouch.)


As for the rahkshi, I do remember thinking "why didn't they have orange legs and arms, etc. But I think their dark nature made the dark grey (not ugly dark bley), and the coolness of finally having knees, made up for it.

So the Metru, Vahki, and Hordika had bley. I lived with it. I was so happy to see some color in the Visorak!

Now, Reidak and Nocturn had bley, but they were black so it was their color (and by then I had realized that Lego had a color change and we weren't getting the old grey back.). So I am fine with Onua Newva probably being black and bley.

Ah, so you don't mind the Metru era much? Funny that we disagree on one thing I thought we agreed upon. The Visorak were a source of relief, not only due to their non-repetitive schemes but due to their unique schemes (not just the same established by their predecessors, as the Bohrok had) and the reintroduction of Mata colors to canister sets.


On Kongu Mahri, I bring back my absence of color. He had bley body parts when he could have had bright green (or something else, but I like bright green). On Maxilos, he has bley vahki legs, which could have been (bright) red instead. More color. Or gunmetal, because that's what he also has and Lego has that color in Vahki legs.

Kongu Mahri actually wouldn't look bad with bright green, and I agree that that is a color which needs to make a comeback. I still thought the bley was cool looking, though. Maxilos's arms were bley for a regrettable reason: Gunmetal was not changed to a bluish variation until 2007. Thus, all the gunmetal parts from Hewkii Inika are obsolete, at least for the sake of sets, and will have to be introduced anew in blunmetal. I'll admit that gunmetal would have been ideal for him, though bley is an adequate replacement for the sake of using already introduced parts. Red? I dunno, not for that part. There are parts from him I'd have liked to see in Mata red, though.


So that is why I don't like the Toa Newva's legs and arms, because Lewa should have another color of green (his color), Kopaka should have light bley (because he's had the light grey), and no comment on Pohatu because Lego is changing their Po sets. I don't think the bley helps the Newva at all be colorful and look like good guys. (I really don't like the bley on Lewa. He's a fun, colorful (as in mood) kind of guy and the bley just dampens that. Heck, even gunmetal is shiny, and I though his Inika armor was that at first)

Lewa is fine in lime and bley, IMHO, but I feel they should have made his feet lime and his torso armor silver. Kopaka in light bley would have been cool, but I think the dark bley adds to the uniform feel (which I hope will remain with the rest of the Newva; otherwise the uniformity will be for naught and these sets will rapidly lose status in my eyes).


Lewa's Inika armor is bley? I'll have to see how that ends up looking... they should have done lime or silver, IMHO. It frustrates me that the new parts or parts they're making in new colors this year are so often in shapes or colors that won't find much use by me, or hopefully by LEGO unless they come up with some better uses.


As for light bley, it isn't as ugly as dark bley because having light helps bring out color, or at least isn't dark. (Remember, I want more color)


I think I can stand bley in most MOCs, for MOCs aren't official Lego stuff and are really creative. Bundaling's Pohatu MOC really proves that. It's inspired me to use bley with other color and make something awesome. If the other colors are used properly. I've seen some good bley things.


That's why I don't enjoy bley. In sets. Can't Lego use more color?!?! I'm liking the black on the Phantuka because they are bad guys and black is definitely their color (but I wish Antroz had red legs, because of color)

I don't know why Antroz uses so much black. Even his mask is blended with black! IMO he needs more silver; it would among other things help keep him distinct from Icarax, who has the same scheme organized in almost the same manner.


See, it's clear that I agree with you on many of these points, but that my opinions vary on when these factors cause a set to deserve less respect. So don't feel I'm in complete support of bley. It depends largely on how it's used in a set or MOC and why.


I am fully in support of seeing more use of the primary colors on the rest of the Nuva (and of course, of the primaries being the same as they were in the original sets, something that seems increasingly likely for Tahu and Gali and is almost guaranteed for Onua :P).

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I agree that more color would be nice, but I also think that bley shouldn't be tossed out the window. It's a much better color than the horrible old grey (all green and sickly looking, I think), and with the right primary color it looks quite nice.

I actually love it on Lewa.

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OK, Aanchir, glad we can get our thoughts out nicely. And understand each other.


Metru sets (excluding Titans) were lame up until the Visorak. This I won't deny; they had pretty much no redeeming qualities whatsoever, except possibly the introduction of new and versatile pieces. I don't think bley is any uglier than dark grey, though, and I prefer it in most sets and MOCs. It was just abused to the point that we were lucky it was ever usable again in a good way (which according to you, it apparently wasn't. Sorry about that).


I mentioned two things: Rahkshi and other color potentials. From other color potentials I mean that there should be more color in Lego sets. Lego is a colorful group, and I don't feel the attraction when there is little color. (Take Kongu Inika for example. I didn't quite like his full dark build. (Save the small bits of silver.)) I wish Vakama had orange joints, Matau had lime, etc.

That would have been good for the Metru, and would give them a sort of continuity with their Turaga forms which they otherwise lack altogether. Actually, Kongu's scheme was redeemed in part by the very bley this topic exists to discredit as a valuable color scheme component. While on sets that were already clones it was torture to give us such cloned color schemes. (When you think about it, only the titans of those years were not even on the verge of cloniness. Ouch.)

I could stand the dark grey on the rahkshi because that color grey has been in sets for a long time, and then Onua had it and became normal for the Onu sets. I think I rememeber wanting more color on the rahkshi, but they were so cool!


Ah, so you don't mind the Metru era much? Funny that we disagree on one thing I thought we agreed upon. The Visorak were a source of relief, not only due to their non-repetitive schemes but due to their unique schemes (not just the same established by their predecessors, as the Bohrok had) and the reintroduction of Mata colors to canister sets.

I don't think I minded the Metru era much. That was 4 years ago though, so I was ignorant as far as pieces and MOCing go, I wasn't into that back then, and thought the only thing wrong was the bley. I don't think I really minded the storyline either, though Vakama was a wimp. That was a problem. Oh, those sets were total clones, that was a problem too. The bley made it worse because they all had the same skeleton instead of color changes.


Kongu Mahri actually wouldn't look bad with bright green, and I agree that that is a color which needs to make a comeback. I still thought the bley was cool looking, though. Maxilos's arms were bley for a regrettable reason: Gunmetal was not changed to a bluish variation until 2007. Thus, all the gunmetal parts from Hewkii Inika are obsolete, at least for the sake of sets, and will have to be introduced anew in blunmetal. I'll admit that gunmetal would have been ideal for him, though bley is an adequate replacement for the sake of using already introduced parts. Red? I dunno, not for that part. There are parts from him I'd have liked to see in Mata red, though.

Oh, blunmetal? I don't have Maxi (yet...hmm....) but that's interesting. I guess red would look weird but my point is I want color.


Lewa is fine in lime and bley, IMHO, but I feel they should have made his feet lime and his torso armor silver. Kopaka in light bley would have been cool, but I think the dark bley adds to the uniform feel (which I hope will remain with the rest of the Newva; otherwise the uniformity will be for naught and these sets will rapidly lose status in my eyes).


Lewa's Inika armor is bley? I'll have to see how that ends up looking... they should have done lime or silver, IMHO. It frustrates me that the new parts or parts they're making in new colors this year are so often in shapes or colors that won't find much use by me, or hopefully by LEGO unless they come up with some better uses.


Uniform feel, yes, but think about the color. Lego could have made them "uniform" with a new leg for all of them, or even better a new body. Or the same type of shoulder armor, or something that would give them more color.

Silver armor would have been nice, but I could tell by the pix that it wasn't that shiny. I think ToM Dracone thought he had silver feet. Speaking of feet on Lewa, I really think Le-Toa need to have swift, agile feet, like Mata or Metru, for their soaring through the air. I don't like his clunky boots. (Just made that up now! I like that name....) But I realize people don't want those two feet types because they are only three studs wide and the set may fall over, but still....


Could you please explain why the bley and lime make for a good air element color scheme?


My problem with the bley is that it is taking over the color schemes. The legs are all the same dark color and not giving the Toa's element color. (Even the metru had colorful legs.)


I don't know why Antroz uses so much black. Even his mask is blended with black! IMO he needs more silver; it would among other things help keep him distinct from Icarax, who has the same scheme organized in almost the same manner.


See, it's clear that I agree with you on many of these points, but that my opinions vary on when these factors cause a set to deserve less respect. So don't feel I'm in complete support of bley. It depends largely on how it's used in a set or MOC and why.


I am fully in support of seeing more use of the primary colors on the rest of the Nuva (and of course, of the primaries being the same as they were in the original sets, something that seems increasingly likely for Tahu and Gali and is almost guaranteed for Onua :P).

I guess it's inevitable that the Newva of the summer will also have bley limbs. Onua will be the only one that truly looks good in it, seeing as how he can't get his dark grey back and this is the new dark grey. I've seen blue and bley MOCs and Maxilos was red and bley, and I can stand it. Bley just doesn't seem like an Air color to me, and on Lewa of all Toa....


Thank you



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OK, Aanchir, glad we can get our thoughts out nicely. And understand each other.


Metru sets (excluding Titans) were lame up until the Visorak. This I won't deny; they had pretty much no redeeming qualities whatsoever, except possibly the introduction of new and versatile pieces. I don't think bley is any uglier than dark grey, though, and I prefer it in most sets and MOCs. It was just abused to the point that we were lucky it was ever usable again in a good way (which according to you, it apparently wasn't. Sorry about that).


I mentioned two things: Rahkshi and other color potentials. From other color potentials I mean that there should be more color in Lego sets. Lego is a colorful group, and I don't feel the attraction when there is little color. (Take Kongu Inika for example. I didn't quite like his full dark build. (Save the small bits of silver.)) I wish Vakama had orange joints, Matau had lime, etc.

That would have been good for the Metru, and would give them a sort of continuity with their Turaga forms which they otherwise lack altogether. Actually, Kongu's scheme was redeemed in part by the very bley this topic exists to discredit as a valuable color scheme component. While on sets that were already clones it was torture to give us such cloned color schemes. (When you think about it, only the titans of those years were not even on the verge of cloniness. Ouch.)

I could stand the dark grey on the rahkshi because that color grey has been in sets for a long time, and then Onua had it and became normal for the Onu sets. I think I rememeber wanting more color on the rahkshi, but they were so cool!

*didn't like the Rahkshi much*


I have to say, I disagree with Bunda on the issue of old dark grey being "greenish looking"... Back in the day, I had numerous LEGO-like building toys, including those put out by Tyco. The Tyco dark grey bore an uncanny resemblance to modern Bley, and I hated it with a fierce loathing. Of course, Tyco was also annoying in other flaws, such as that their white was the same, except the design of their 1x1 round bricks made it near impossible to remove any "bar" piece from it (i.e. any that fits in a minifig hand). Many bars were nearly lost in this manner. Anyway, as soon as LEGO introduced a bley for BIONICLE I began to prefer it to the old dark grey (for all things besides MOCing, of course, since there wasn't much variety to its parts at first). Maybe I was just biased against non-LEGO back in the heyday of Tyco, maybe it's just that bley seems far more suited to BIONICLE than it did to System, maybe my old dark grey parts had yellowed considerably by that point, offering a far less appreciative view of them, or maybe it's just that there were more MOCing opportunities in BIONICLE with the few parts we had than there were in System with the few Tyco parts we had. Whatever the cause, I immediately developed a preference for bley, and though it was dampened by the repetitive color schemes of '04 and early '05, I never again developed a preference for old dark grey.


Ah, so you don't mind the Metru era much? Funny that we disagree on one thing I thought we agreed upon. The Visorak were a source of relief, not only due to their non-repetitive schemes but due to their unique schemes (not just the same established by their predecessors, as the Bohrok had) and the reintroduction of Mata colors to canister sets.

I don't think I minded the Metru era much. That was 4 years ago though, so I was ignorant as far as pieces and MOCing go, I wasn't into that back then, and thought the only thing wrong was the bley. I don't think I really minded the storyline either, though Vakama was a wimp. That was a problem. Oh, those sets were total clones, that was a problem too. The bley made it worse because they all had the same skeleton instead of color changes.

I didn't mind the bley much as a color. Even the bley would have been tolerable had it been used as a neutral color, much like the black of the Toa Mata and Nuva, but it was its repetitive use as a secondary color that made it annoying.


The storyline was OK by me; I didn't mind Vakama's personality even. It was a bit boring in the beginning, as until LoMN we had little understanding of anything besides that we had returned to the "faceless enemy" idea of 2001, something I rarely like in a story. IMO, every toy line with heroes needs 1)some obstacle released in physical form and 2)civilians released in physical form. Many a line has suffered in my eyes due to the lack of one of these components.


Kongu Mahri actually wouldn't look bad with bright green, and I agree that that is a color which needs to make a comeback. I still thought the bley was cool looking, though. Maxilos's arms were bley for a regrettable reason: Gunmetal was not changed to a bluish variation until 2007. Thus, all the gunmetal parts from Hewkii Inika are obsolete, at least for the sake of sets, and will have to be introduced anew in blunmetal. I'll admit that gunmetal would have been ideal for him, though bley is an adequate replacement for the sake of using already introduced parts. Red? I dunno, not for that part. There are parts from him I'd have liked to see in Mata red, though.

Oh, blunmetal? I don't have Maxi (yet...hmm....) but that's interesting. I guess red would look weird but my point is I want color.

I think it's best for Maxilos that red remains an accent color. Anyway, there's ample bley to make it a legitimate component of the color scheme, and the blunmetal makes it blend in far better than it would have with the old gunmetal.


Lewa is fine in lime and bley, IMHO, but I feel they should have made his feet lime and his torso armor silver. Kopaka in light bley would have been cool, but I think the dark bley adds to the uniform feel (which I hope will remain with the rest of the Newva; otherwise the uniformity will be for naught and these sets will rapidly lose status in my eyes).


Lewa's Inika armor is bley? I'll have to see how that ends up looking... they should have done lime or silver, IMHO. It frustrates me that the new parts or parts they're making in new colors this year are so often in shapes or colors that won't find much use by me, or hopefully by LEGO unless they come up with some better uses.


Uniform feel, yes, but think about the color. Lego could have made them "uniform" with a new leg for all of them, or even better a new body. Or the same type of shoulder armor, or something that would give them more color.

Silver armor would have been nice, but I could tell by the pix that it wasn't that shiny. I think ToM Dracone thought he had silver feet. Speaking of feet on Lewa, I really think Le-Toa need to have swift, agile feet, like Mata or Metru, for their soaring through the air. I don't like his clunky boots. (Just made that up now! I like that name....) But I realize people don't want those two feet types because they are only three studs wide and the set may fall over, but still....

Yeah... IMO, all of the new Nuva ought to have Mata feet (Pohatu having the old foot attachments, as well), but it seems that isn't likely to happen on many canister sets in the near future. Also, about Bley Inika armor, after typing this I realized you may have meand the torso or lower arms rather than the thigh armor. Those I don't mind in Bley, though the same gripe that came up concerning Mars Mission Orange visors also applies here-- if they were going to make bley Inika armor, they should have done so for Carapar. Not like they could have predicted its immediate reuse, but it doesn't seem like it would be hard to predict its usefulness...


Yes, you are right, there are other ways LEGO could have established a uniform feel. Nevertheless, they're still getting used to making non-clones, and they're doing a far better job here than they did with the Mahri (unless, of course, the rest of the Newva throw the entire system off-kilter and dispose of those aspects made standard for our Phantoka Nuva). I prefer the variety of leg armor, anyway-- it allows for more stylistic consistency with the masks and armor, for one thing.


Could you please explain why the bley and lime make for a good air element color scheme?

The same reason bright green and lime make for a good air element color scheme. I think they look good together, so for me they are a good scheme.


My problem with the bley is that it is taking over the color schemes. The legs are all the same dark color and not giving the Toa's element color. (Even the metru had colorful legs.)

Colorful legs would have been a plus. I regret that we don't have them, especially on Lewa, whose entire lower half is dominated by bley. On Kopaka and Pohatu it's not nearly as regrettable, but I still think it could have been improved with more abundance of the primary color.


I don't know why Antroz uses so much black. Even his mask is blended with black! IMO he needs more silver; it would among other things help keep him distinct from Icarax, who has the same scheme organized in almost the same manner.


See, it's clear that I agree with you on many of these points, but that my opinions vary on when these factors cause a set to deserve less respect. So don't feel I'm in complete support of bley. It depends largely on how it's used in a set or MOC and why.


I am fully in support of seeing more use of the primary colors on the rest of the Nuva (and of course, of the primaries being the same as they were in the original sets, something that seems increasingly likely for Tahu and Gali and is almost guaranteed for Onua :P).

I guess it's inevitable that the Newva of the summer will also have bley limbs. Onua will be the only one that truly looks good in it, seeing as how he can't get his dark grey back and this is the new dark grey. I've seen blue and bley MOCs and Maxilos was red and bley, and I can stand it. Bley just doesn't seem like an Air color to me, and on Lewa of all Toa....

We should hope its inevitable. Otherwise there's little remaining justification for the color schemes of the Nuva Phantoka, and they'll wind up looking awkward next to their teammates. Why wouldn't Tahu look good in it? Bley, gunmetal, and red closely approximates his color scheme in MoL, anyway. And Gali should be fine; the same applies for her scheme to a great extent. I am anxiously hoping there will be more abundance of the primary colors on the rest of the Newva, but removing Bley as a secondary color would make them look a bit too different from their teammates for my taste. Still, I understand your views on Lewa, for when all is said and done we can expect his and Pohatu's changes to be the most radical of scheme changes among the Nuva, and I understand the degree of loyalty you had to their original sets.


Thank you.



You're welcome. :)

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*didn't like the Rahkshi much*


I have to say, I disagree with Bunda on the issue of old dark grey being "greenish looking"... Back in the day, I had numerous LEGO-like building toys, including those put out by Tyco. ....

Please don't ever mention other non-Lego in my blog again. :P



The storyline was OK by me; I didn't mind Vakama's personality even. It was a bit boring in the beginning, as until LoMN we had little understanding of anything besides that we had returned to the "faceless enemy" idea of 2001, something I rarely like in a story. IMO, every toy line with heroes needs 1)some obstacle released in physical form and 2)civilians released in physical form. Many a line has suffered in my eyes due to the lack of one of these components.

I liked the mystery 01 had, but there is still plenty of mythos even though we can now see our enimies. Besides, using puppets shows fear and cowardice.


Yeah... IMO, all of the new Nuva ought to have Mata feet (Pohatu having the old foot attachments, as well), but it seems that isn't likely to happen on many canister sets in the near future. Also, about Bley Inika armor, after typing this I realized you may have meand the torso or lower arms rather than the thigh armor. Those I don't mind in Bley, though the same gripe that came up concerning Mars Mission Orange visors also applies here-- if they were going to make bley Inika armor, they should have done so for Carapar. Not like they could have predicted its immediate reuse, but it doesn't seem like it would be hard to predict its usefulness...


Yes, you are right, there are other ways LEGO could have established a uniform feel. Nevertheless, they're still getting used to making non-clones, and they're doing a far better job here than they did with the Mahri (unless, of course, the rest of the Newva throw the entire system off-kilter and dispose of those aspects made standard for our Phantoka Nuva). I prefer the variety of leg armor, anyway-- it allows for more stylistic consistency with the masks and armor, for one thing.

Mata feet! Thank you thank you thank you!

I think somebody's problem with it is that a set will fall over unless the feet are five studs wide, but IMO it has taken away from the sleekness of good guys. The spiky Inika feet were't as bad as the other half, because they were thin in some spots, but this is another subject, and we both agree on it, so let's continue....


I meant the thigh armor. (I don't know how you classify things, but for me there is chest armor (nuva and inika bodies, and metru), shoulder armor (nuva, metru, and on inika arms), and leg armor (metru, inika) (thigh to you). But then Matoro Mahri's armor comes in too, and it gets messy. I think it's being called Matoro shoulder armor.)


Could you please explain why the bley and lime make for a good air element color scheme?

The same reason bright green and lime make for a good air element color scheme. I think they look good together, so for me they are a good scheme.

Looking good is different from "Making sense" to me. I don't see bley as an Air color so it shouldn't be on an important Air character.


Colorful legs would have been a plus. I regret that we don't have them, especially on Lewa, whose entire lower half is dominated by bley. On Kopaka and Pohatu it's not nearly as regrettable, but I still think it could have been improved with more abundance of the primary color.

No, it's not as regretable on the other two. (I think I already discussed this point)


We should hope its inevitable. Otherwise there's little remaining justification for the color schemes of the Nuva Phantoka, and they'll wind up looking awkward next to their teammates. Why wouldn't Tahu look good in it? Bley, gunmetal, and red closely approximates his color scheme in MoL, anyway. And Gali should be fine; the same applies for her scheme to a great extent. I am anxiously hoping there will be more abundance of the primary colors on the rest of the Newva, but removing Bley as a secondary color would make them look a bit too different from their teammates for my taste. Still, I understand your views on Lewa, for when all is said and done we can expect his and Pohatu's changes to be the most radical of scheme changes among the Nuva, and I understand the degree of loyalty you had to their original sets.

I do think Tahu and Gali wouldn't be bad in bley, so I'll stand it. Seeing dark bley ("grey") on Kopaka and not green on Lewa set me off. I have seen good looking blue and bley MOCs and I don't think it'll be too bad on Tahu, especially if he has gunmetal. I'll be able to stand it more in the summer than now.



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*fears the evil eye from Aanchir*

Does THIS count? :evilgrin:


Now, Reidak and Nocturn had bley, but they were black so it was their color (and by then I had realized that Lego had a color change and we weren't getting the old grey back.). So I am fine with Onua Newva probably being black and bley.

I believe you mean Mantax?


Anywho, I agree with both of ya in some ways. Yes, too much bley in Metru. (Although, now that I think of it, I think the Metru would look awful with their original Turaga colors. I think the darker colors serve their personalities as Toa Metru better, as the brighter colors don't seem to fit Toa going through so much internal conflict. Though I can't picture the Turaga with Metru colors, either.)


Too much bley in the new Nuva? I don't agree with that--- Technically, those are my Rachira color schemes! Lego has stolen each and every one of my ideas (except for the Rachira's eye style) this year! Actually, my complaint is not enough silver. Yes, it's new armor, but the Nuva pioneered silver armor! They should have more of it! Technically, Lewa could use more lime.


And Pohatu in orange--- though you're skirting around that debate, I feel the need to point out that I have mixed feelings on that. Do I like Pohatu in orange? Yes, I think it fits him better than yellow-orange. But I'm fearing that we won't get more yellow-orange stone sets, and I had really wanted that sort of color from the start. (In '01, I wondered why Lego would choose brown over yellow, a much more appealing color.) And regardless of how much people hated yellow-orange as a stone color, we STILL don't have enough of it yet in my eyes. We only have ONE lower arm or leg piece in that color! One! I can only hope that things will move full-circle--- If we're lucky, next year will bring Matoran Hewkii's dark orange back, and then the next year, brown! It's not going to happen, but I can dream, can't I? :P


Like Aanchir, I've moved away from preferring the old dark grey--- again, the new grey seems to fit Bionicle better, and frankly the old grey doesn't look nearly as good after it has aged a couple years.


And more color would be nice, but I think bley fits this year better. Times are dire in Bionicleland, and too much color would ruin the mood. Plus, as I said, my Rachira used the idea of using bley to counteract anbd subdue a much brighter color, and it works well. And as Aanchir said, it helps to give a sense of unity to the Toa team. The Makuta have dark colors and black, and the Nuva have bright colors and bley. I, like Aanchir, am hoping it stays that way, at least through the summer.


(But if Takanuva gets remade, and has got bley in his color scheme, I'll be annoyed--- He didn't have black in his first incarnation, and shouldn't have bley in his new one. That's the only thing to distinguish him from a Toa of Ice.)

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I completely agree with this! I don't understand the color schemes at all any more. People used to say "Red sells best because it is the flashiest." And I could believe that, having once been taught that red cars that speed are easier to spot because of their color.




Nowadays it seems almost all sets have been dulled in color (save White, Black, and Gold). And honestly, in some cases, that's just plain inexcusable. Take a look at Maxilos: He makes use of Mata Red, so it couldn't have been TOO much to ask that Tahu be the same color? And, that aside, Orange, Dark Green and Light Blue have been used as recently as last year. Was it really too much to hope that the Toa who were once very bright and colorful at least consist of their own two original colors, or the nearest possible things to them?


How in the world can anyone believe that "Flashy Colors Sell Well!" is still the motto, when this year we see sets that are one step closer to the BIG OL' Gun Totin' Bley Goon Squad, who shall be only differentiated by the accessories upon their guns, and by the shapes of their flat silver masks? I mean, for Pete's sake, was it too much to ask that Pohatu contain more than 6 orange pieces?

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I completely agree with this! I don't understand the color schemes at all any more. People used to say "Red sells best because it is the flashiest." And I could believe that, having once been taught that red cars that speed are easier to spot because of their color.




Nowadays it seems almost all sets have been dulled in color (save White, Black, and Gold). And honestly, in some cases, that's just plain inexcusable. Take a look at Maxilos: He makes use of Mata Red, so it couldn't have been TOO much to ask that Tahu be the same color? And, that aside, Orange, Dark Green and Light Blue have been used as recently as last year. Was it really too much to hope that the Toa who were once very bright and colorful at least consist of their own two original colors, or the nearest possible things to them?


How in the world can anyone believe that "Flashy Colors Sell Well!" is still the motto, when this year we see sets that are one step closer to the BIG OL' Gun Totin' Bley Goon Squad, who shall be only differentiated by the accessories upon their guns, and by the shapes of their flat silver masks? I mean, for Pete's sake, was it too much to ask that Pohatu contain more than 6 orange pieces?

I had hoped for Mata red and blue in the Mistika as well, but I understand that such might not have been good with the already light secondary color of silver. Had they been given the bley treatment as I had hoped, by all means I would have expected Mata red and blue.


I don't even understand most of your second paragraph... I see your dislike of a standard secondary color, which is reasonable though I value this standardization this year at least as a means of differentiating between good and evil.

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I had hoped for Mata red and blue in the Mistika as well, but I understand that such might not have been good with the already light secondary color of silver. Had they been given the bley treatment as I had hoped, by all means I would have expected Mata red and blue.

Bright red and silver look great together, I might add. (See?)




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I had hoped for Mata red and blue in the Mistika as well, but I understand that such might not have been good with the already light secondary color of silver. Had they been given the bley treatment as I had hoped, by all means I would have expected Mata red and blue.

Bright red and silver look great together, I might add. (See?)



Non-public. Care to deeplink?


Anyway, I tend to feel that contrast is a good thing. This was part of my reason for liking the switch to Keetorange for stone sets; it contrasts better with the colors of its teammates. The switch to orange is OK, but a mixed blessing as it doesn't contrast nearly so well. As much as I prefer the orange for Pohatu, I am glad Bitil proves this to be a nonpermanent change (hope the same holds true for Toa as has for sets in general). I'd be much happier for stone Toa to live out their days in Keetorange.

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I had hoped for Mata red and blue in the Mistika as well, but I understand that such might not have been good with the already light secondary color of silver. Had they been given the bley treatment as I had hoped, by all means I would have expected Mata red and blue.

Bright red and silver look great together, I might add. (See?)



Non-public. Care to deeplink?


Anyway, I tend to feel that contrast is a good thing. This was part of my reason for liking the switch to Keetorange for stone sets; it contrasts better with the colors of its teammates. The switch to orange is OK, but a mixed blessing as it doesn't contrast nearly so well. As much as I prefer the orange for Pohatu, I am glad Bitil proves this to be a nonpermanent change (hope the same holds true for Toa as has for sets in general). I'd be much happier for stone Toa to live out their days in Keetorange.

That pic is the one on the front page, you commented on, BTW.


Brown FTW.



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