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Defection Preview

Grey Snow


Well I decided to post a part of my new short story Defection since it'll be a while until I finish since I have other things to work on and not having a computer at my home with internet is a problem for posting as well. So here's what I have so far of Defection which is my take of Nidhiki's story.





A hideous green four legged two clawed creature stood on a beach, looking at its reflection in the ocean, tears running down its eyes. It wasn’t always like that as it remembered back to a few months ago…..


Toa Nidhiki had dodged another dagger from a female Dark Hunter who wore black Vortixx like armor and resembled one, but was of another species. “Odd how one can look like a Vortixx, a greedy species and yet fight for another and get no money, I guess that’s the difference between Vortixx and this species.” He told himself, knocking one out the air with his scythe.


“I can’t beat this woman in this manner, I need a new plan.” Nidhiki told himself, jumping up onto the side of a Le-Metru building, digging the blade of his scythe into it to hold himself.


She threw another dagger at him and this time he pushed off the wall, getting above the dagger. He pushed the end of his scythe’s handle into the ring at the end of the dagger and had a hold on it.

He snapped the end of his scythe forward, hurtling the dagger forward back at the female Hunter. She couldn’t dodge and was struck on her right arm, the arm she was using the best accuracy and power with.


She tore it out, having felt greater pain in her time, but the pain wasn’t the point, it was that her aim would be worse then. She took a defensive position, her left dagger raised to cover her body in case of attack.


Nidhiki smiled and jumped at her, bringing his scythe up and brought the blade down. He pushed the end of it the handle up and knocked the dagger away so he could bring the blade back down with great strength.


He slammed it down to feel it hit steel. He looked and saw a sword blocking and looked to see a red hand holding it. “What is it Lhikan?” Nidhiki asked, angered as the Hunter fled.


“You were going to kill her weren’t you?” Lhikan asked and Nidhiki started to walk away from him. “Answer me Nidhiki, I see you’re troubled and I want to help.”


“You can help by leaving me alone! What would we do if we didn’t kill them?” Nidhiki yelled back, uneasy silence following as he waited for an answer.


“We can show them the errors of their ways, we can imprison them.” Lhikan replied, but the answer didn’t suit Nidhiki and he slipped away using his Volitak.



Nidhiki had walked for some time and saw another Dark Hunter standing on the rooftop near him, but he hadn’t been spotted. It was a black Skakdi with a drill in hand. Nidhiki raised his scythe up and started to generate his wind energies.


“Show yourself Toa.” The Skakdi said and Nidhiki realized he could be seen. “Thermal Vision.” The Skakdi said, telling Nidhiki how he had been seen.


“I guess I can go head to head with you then.” Nidhiki said, smiling at the prospect of a good fight as opposed to an assassination type attack. Nidhiki jumped up as Reidak jumped down, his drill aimed at Nidhiki.


Nidhiki slashed and the blade was driven into the drill, stopping his swing and the rotation. They were both locked in combat; their weapons colliding and neither could push the other back.


Reidak had considerable strength, but Nidhiki was keeping him back with his wind energies. Nidhiki pushed the end of the handle of the scythe forward and hit Reidak in the head, stunning him momentarily.


He whipped his scythe back around and aimed the blade an Reidak’s neck, ready to take it off with one swipe. Nidhiki missed and noticed he sank and saw the drill in the ground, turning it to quicksand, sucking him in too fast to eliminate Reidak.


Reidak smiled and punched Nidhiki in the face, knocking him back, putting him on his back, sinking him in harder, but dead sooner.


Nidhiki remained calm, he knew panicking would kill him and he created a vacuum above him, sucking him towards it and out of the quicksand. Reidak put his drill where the body would be momentarily and plunged it, ready to make contact and kill the Toa.


Nidhiki swiftly moved the end of his scythe’s handle to that spot and knocked the drill of target. Nidhiki used that moment to levitate before Reidak and deliver a punch of his own to the Skakdi’s face.


Reidak got up and jumped at Nidhiki only to meet the end of his scythe again. As he was struck in the face, Nidhiki got down and used Reidak’s weight to propel him forward and into a building.


Reidak surprisingly got up, still giving his sadistic grin. “This isn’t good, if that couldn’t put him down for at least a minute, how am I going to stop him without killing him?” Nidhiki asked himself.


He then remembered, that’s what Lhikan didn’t want him to do, kill his opponent, but he didn’t need Lhikan’s ways and he wasn’t around. He pointed the blade of his scythe at Reidak and ran at him, fully intent on ending the Dark Hunter’s life.


“Hm, kill him, I really don’t care.” A voice said and Nidhiki and he turned, seeing a red Skakdi approaching with a gun in hand, a Lava Launcher. “Hakkan, shut up.” Reidak said and got up.


“Two Skakdi, fun.” Nidhiki said, the smile from deciding to kill Reidak still on his face.



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