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" For The Chancellor!"



EW knows he has a blog and needs to update it accordingly.




Oh! You were expecting more?



I have been playing Battlefront II for the past two days. Really enjoying it. I've been toying with the instant action games and the conquest thing, as I am stuck at the Knightfall mission in story mode. Darn Temple Guards and their unlimited respawns. Stupid four bookcases. Bloody Jedi and their lightsabers.


CTF is fairly fun, if not a little short. I love the times when the Imps will say "The Empire has voluntarily dropped the Rebel flag." The egoistical maniacs.


Just now I completed a classification essay about castles. Yeah, castles, not Respectism. Fun stuff, those essays, and I have to admit that I am fairly good at them, if not the delays that come with them.



I know you are itching for a smiley, right?




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You think Knightfall is hard? Try getting through the level where you board the...gah, forgot what it was called. You know, that Correllian Corvette (Or however it's spelled) what gets boarded in episode four? Yeah, just watch as your boarding team gets blown up by the dozens as you board the ship. If you ain't fast enough, you'll run outta troops and fail the level. Not easy at all.


Besides, the Jedi in the Knightfall level are easy. Just use the engineer class and blow them away with the 'shotgun' until you unlock the clone commander class. Or whichever the one with the giant minigun thingy is...


Oh, by the way, you aren't actually trying to play it in the veteran difficulty, are you?






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Yeah, I had a little trouble with the Jedi Temple one, but like Gakurak said above, that's nothing compared to the level on Princess Leia's ship. I don't know how much time I spent on that. And in instant action, try the Mos Eisley Assualt mode. That was perhaps the most fun Instant Action level I did. What do you think about the space combat? I love it, personally, but I have always liked games like that, so it could be just me.

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@Gak: Oh I hate the Tantive IV level.those reinforcements you get whenever you complete an objective are handy, and with the small hallways and grenades, even Vader is target. o-o


Now for a solution to EW's map. Once your on the bookcase mission-thingy, switch to clone commander(If you don't have enough points, shoot guards till you do.). Forget about three bookcases and focus on one. Stand between it and the wall; if anyone comes, unleash the chaingun. The Jedi and the guards won't pay attention to you, just on destroying the bookcase.


Hope that helps. ^^

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I did the Tantative level first try. Not hard at all.


And if you had read the latest blog entry, Neccy, you would know that I am at the Hoth level. ;)



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Hmmmmmmmm Knidht Fall was hard but I already finished the game and the Mos Eisley Assualt is asome

but Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron.....I wish it would be releasd on a differnt consele like Wii

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I like space levels. It's fun to go in X-Wings or 170s and try to win the level just by shooting down fighters. :D Try threading the Republic cruiser's bridge. ;)



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