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Tired As Ever....

Lady Kopaka


Current mood: Tired

Currently doing: Nothing at the moment

Currently listening to: PotC Soundtrack (again)




*Falls asleep on keyboard* So...tired.


Well, my sister made it safe and sound here last night. Great to see her since I haven't seen Rebecca in over a year. She got me this pretty necklace and a nice bracelet. And she'll be staying for a week I believe.


We went to church, and my friend and I that day were strangely hyped up (:P) and could not settle down. So we decided to go see if we could go help in children’s church, which thankfully we went and if not, the parents would have had a problem. When we got there, somehow whoever was supposed to teach was not at church or something just got confusing. So Laur and I took over and stuff, read a lesson, did a little craft, got some snacks and let them play. It was pretty easy, but two young boys would just NOT settle down, they were running around like crazy. But besides that no harm done.


And then we went out to on this special occasion since my sis is here. Went to a Mexican place...Really nice food, and then here I am. Stuffed, tired and...mmh yes that’s about it.


Well I went to check about the voting polls, and I am ahead again. :blink: Though dear Jedi Gali could just easily catch up, which I wouldn't mind as her story is just amazing. But I am very excited about all this; I would be so pleased if I could get passed the Semi's.


Also, once again I have gone on that terrible habit of not replying and PM'ing people. I am sorry about that, once again remember I am not ignoring you, it’s just because I have been to busy to reply and I sometimes forget to reply when I do have the time.


About the scanner....STILL hasn’t been plugged up yet, but I will get around to it, because I know all of you are impatient 'bout that.


Art Project getting closer to be done! Almost all the inking is complete, and soon to color...Though I am sad because I have noticed some Ink mistakes. ;_; Oh well.



(Guess what this is from? :D)


Barbossa: All right! Only I knows the route home.

Jack Sparrow: That would make you - - the navigator.

Barbossa: Captain.

Jack Sparrow: Cook?

Barbossa: Captain.

Jack Sparrow: Cockswain?

Will: Enough, Jack is rightfully Captain of his ship. All decisions subject to my approval, understood?

Jack Sparrow: As Captain, I am pleased to name as First Mate Master Barbossa.

Will: Agreed?

Barbossa: I can deal with First Mate. It worked out fine for me late time.




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Well I still haven't been able to see it myself... what's your favorite part? When did you go to sleep? I went to sleep at about 3:30. That's normal for me. I saw how you said that you like Tennessee. I live in Tennessee! Glad that your havin a good time with ya sista.

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Children's church is awesome. I'm a full-time teacher for mine. :)


Ooo... Ink mistakes are NOT good. >< How bad are they? Mine's got a couple really minor ones right now, but I can't really change that, what, with me working on color already. :rolleyes:


*blinks at quote*


How'd you find that? :wired:



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I voted for you in the semi's. Yours was the best one........duh, that's why I voted for you. :P


Where are you finding these Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End scripts? :???:


Well, get some sleep, you'll feel better. :P





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Children's church is awesome. I'm a full-time teacher for mine.

We couldn't be full-time since we'd start missing the sermon, that’s why we have a lot of people switching off every Sunday.


Ooo... Ink mistakes are NOT good. >< How bad are they? Mine's got a couple really minor ones right now, but I can't really change that, what, with me working on color already.

Any ink problems that I dislike are usually a line that got a little fatter than the others or crooked, but I did do this one spot which I am SO MAD about, hopefully, it won’t be noticeable when I color.


How'd you find that?

I have part of the PotC III script, so I took out a bunch of quotes that I like and will post one every time in my blog entries.

But I'd like to point out its a draft script, so when to go see the real thing, its probably going to be different or not there at all....But some things could be there.


I voted for you in the semis. Yours was the best one........duh, that's why I voted for you.

Oh thanks!


Where are you finding these Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Scripts?

I just searched Pirates III and found it somehow.


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I just got the first PotC soundtrack last night. My favorite songs are:


-The Medallion Calls

-The Black Pearl

-He's a Pirate


He's a Pirate has my favorite theme in full. I still need to see PotC2. Obviously it is a great movie, and PotC3 sounds even funnier than the original.



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Ah, that definitely sounds like Jack. I could even hear the voices of the characters in my head saying those lines.


This will possibly be the greatest trilogy of all time. Maybe it'll even beat Lord of the Rings.

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LK's sneaking and getting secret info.... Bad, bad LK.....


Well, you're still obsessing about polls. I don't see how youy do that though, well....


You always were a strange one. :P


And your sis is home? Kool, kool.


P.S. If you fell asleep on the keyboard, why don't I see





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