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Should I Invite This Person?



Something has been on my mind for a while, and I'm really not sure whether or not to invite this particular person over here to BZPower. Basically, there was this member on some other Bionicle forum that managed to get himself banned by being very silly and posting spam topics quite often, as he thought they were funny. Eventually, the staff there had enough of him, and decided to ban him, as he wouldn't stop.


However, I think that during his time banned, he may have learned to have become less excessively hyper, and may not spam as much. The thing is, I think that if I tell him about this place, that he may not spam, or at least not as often...?


Then again, seeing as how he was not exactly very mature, he did send some rather rude e-mails to the staff there, which was also in part why he was banned. That, and he may not have learned anything in the first place.



I really can't decide what to do. I mean, I feel sorry for him and all, but I'm not sure if he isn't going to post pointless spam topics here. Though the time he was banned on that other site may have calmed him down some, it's just as likely that he didn't learn anything, and might act like a complete imbecile here as he did elsewhere.



So what would you suggest I do?







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