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Come Hither, Mine Child...



Thanks to Gakurak, I am now addicted to a dance remix on what the internet is not.


The internet is not--

The internet is not a big truck.

The internet is not something you just dump something on.

The internet is a series of tubes!...


Sooo addicting... So I give a big (sarcastic) thanks to Gaku for sharing this with me, even though it seems to have taken over my life here. :P



I have almost beaten SW: Battlefront II. The Hoth battle. Fun stuff. Shooting heavy lasers at a bunch of Rebs and seeing them all fly in a scattered heap is just too fun. :D But personaly, Vader sucks as a hero. The Emperor is worse.



So, I have once again suffered from a lack of something to say. If my scanner worked, I could show off some of my art, including the Western Emo head drawing and my sketch of Toa Nakaii, or my renditions of other works of art. Must... make... scanner... work...




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You know, I managed to get my computer to boot up normally again, which allows me to use speakers. I really need to listen to that again...


*Listens again and gets addicted*



Anyway, I tried getting through the Hoth campaign level the other day, too. This is, I didn't know what the timer this was for, and ran out of time the second I cleared the hangar. I thought the timer was supposed to be for something I actually wait on.


And yeah, The Emperor does horribly at being a 'hero' character. Seriously; floating around electrocuting people? O_o


Oh, as for making technology work, just punch and kick it until it does what you want it to do. Always works for me.






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And the Emp's lightsabers attacks seriously need work. EPIII made him a kickbutt duelist, but in the game he is just pointlessly weak. He becomes blaster fodder the second he spawns.



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It's actually "the Internet," as it's capitalized. :psychotwitch:


You should add that to the list: it's not uncapitalized. :P


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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Oh, remember when I told you about making a bionicle music video for the Internets song? I began working on it recently. Just thought I'd tell you...






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