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Interview With Omi



This started out as a simple discussion yesterday that somewhere in the middle ended up as an interview.


NOTE: He wanted me to correct his chat-speak for this one. :P


Jon Batista 91: ugh...

Jon Batista 91: how did I get a PM on BZP while its offline?

Omicron Xero went away at 10:16:38 PM.

Omicron Xero returned at 10:26:47 PM.

Omicron Xero: could be from staff

Jon Batista 91: think its bad?

Omicron Xero: I dunno

Jon Batista 91: whenever I see PMs from a high staff title, I get scared

Omicron Xero: could be any staff actually, even a blog assistant or RK :P

Jon Batista 91: who's RK?

Omicron Xero: reference keeper

Jon Batista 91: oh

Omicron Xero: yanno

Omicron Xero: the guys

Omicron Xero: who do reference :P

Jon Batista 91: don't they work the storyline department?

Omicron Xero: that too

Jon Batista 91: you know I'm afraid of becoming a staff member?

Omicron Xero: why

Jon Batista 91: responsablity

Jon Batista 91: ^curse you English language...

Omicron Xero: ah

Omicron Xero: that thing :P

Jon Batista 91: how do you handle it?

Jon Batista 91: I know it's a different look from the original member look

Omicron Xero: basically I do whats right when it comes to dealing members

Omicron Xero: and spam

Jon Batista 91: what have you done with the granted power?

Jon Batista 91: I haven't really seen closed topics much

Jon Batista 91: not saying that's a problem

Omicron Xero: I close topics, move topics

Omicron Xero: own members when needed

Omicron Xero: I rarely take proto actually

Jon Batista 91: how you handle trolls?

Omicron Xero: I distract them until the sun comes out

Omicron Xero: then they turn into stone

Jon Batista 91: ... I could quote you on that and it'd become a sig fad

Omicron Xero: go right ahead :P

Jon Batista 91: wish I could...

Jon Batista 91: so, now this has become an unofficial interview...

Omicron Xero: for your blog? ok

Jon Batista 91: how did you gain your rise in popularity and staff?

Omicron Xero: I was just being myself rather than be someone else

Omicron Xero: as for staff, i wanted to help members and the site, so i did

Omicron Xero: I was promoted to the Support Team by fuss

Jon Batista 91: good ol' fuss...

Omicron Xero: yes

Omicron Xero: he is the man

Jon Batista 91: bring back memories...

Jon Batista 91: oh, remember Mahalis?

Omicron Xero: yes

Jon Batista 91: he was really cool...

Omicron Xero: yes

Omicron Xero: he still comes around to give us a spinnie :P

Jon Batista 91: oh, he's the one that does that!

Omicron Xero: yes

Jon Batista 91: he do good

Omicron Xero: yep

Jon Batista 91: who else...

Jon Batista 91: oh! My favorite one

Jon Batista 91: Timmy

Omicron Xero: he usually comes around

Jon Batista 91: Haven't seen him since...

Jon Batista 91: my noobie shop

Jon Batista 91: anyways...

Omicron Xero: yeah

Jon Batista 91: how many years you've been year?

Omicron Xero: how many years i have been on bzp?

Jon Batista 91: si

Omicron Xero: 4 1/2 years

Omicron Xero: joined on May 11th, 2003

Jon Batista 91: I joined around June or something...

Jon Batista 91: then got banned, then came back, Ninjo gave me a proto boost when he found out

Jon Batista 91: cause I became a better member

Jon Batista 91: Yay me...

Omicron Xero: yay

Jon Batista 91: you ever got proto drained?

Omicron Xero: yes

Jon Batista 91: how many proto points?

Omicron Xero: a lot

Omicron Xero: :P

Jon Batista 91: got any interesting stories behind them?

Omicron Xero: not really

Jon Batista 91: I think I remember you ticking off a current admin at one point

Omicron Xero: just me being dumb as BR replying to that

Jon Batista 91: yep!

Omicron Xero: I tick everyone off

Jon Batista 91: it wouldn't be BZP if you didn't

Jon Batista 91: if you could have a wrestling finisher to use on noobs, what would

you call it?

Omicron Xero: The Omi-Slash

Omicron Xero: like Cloud Strife's Omnislash :P

Jon Batista 91: lol

Jon Batista 91: so, as we reach the end of this interview,

Omicron Xero: yay

Jon Batista 91: I have two final questions

Jon Batista 91: 1

Jon Batista 91: how does it feel to soon be the future Iron-Fist Ruler of Asia and parts of California?

Omicron Xero: feels great

Omicron Xero: free chinese food whenever i want

Jon Batista 91: next question, oh Omi

Omicron Xero: ok

Jon Batista 91: if you say one thing before you were banned (God forbid) what would it be?

Omicron Xero: i'll be back

Omicron Xero: which did happen for when i was banned 4 times before :P

Jon Batista 91: XD

Jon Batista 91: thank you for your time Omi

Omicron Xero: no prob

Jon Batista 91: When I get my Mustang, I'll crash into every Saturn SL I see on the Mass Pike looking for you

Omicron Xero: :o

Omicron Xero: have fun doing that :P

Jon Batista 91: lol

Omicron Xero: You'll be paying my damage

Jon Batista 91: it'll be worth you yelling at me

Jon Batista 91: and convincing the cops to arrest me

Jon Batista 91: then I run

Jon Batista 91: and become the Season Opener for COPS or something


Omicron Xero: yay

Jon Batista 91: Madre demands I leave

Omicron Xero: :o

Jon Batista 91: tomorrow is another day... another, wasted day -_-

Jon Batista 91: well, goodbye Omi.

Jon Batista 91: lol

Jon Batista 91: see ya man...

Omicron Xero: later

Just so you know, Toaraga PMed me.


Speaking of the Moderator, Toaraga's B-Day is.... TODAY!




Recommended Comments

Interesting interview with the great and powerful being known to us humble BZPers as "Omi". It made me laugh. Hard.

I like IMing. So handy.

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