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Merry two days before Christmas, everyone. :)


As I am writing this, I am currently 18 feet away from my Christmas tree.


Underneath said Christmas tree (or, rather, next to it), received from my grandfather only two days ago, is a rather large box.


And I mean RATHER large. 4' x 3' x 1'. Took up the entire porch when it was delivered.


And it's addressed to me...




*has a heart attack*


For the record: No, I have no idea what it is or what it could be. I had only three things on my what-you-could-call-a-list this year, and one of them I have to buy myself with no acceptions (it isn't that big anyways, so I've ruled it out), so it's a total mystery that's really making me pull my hair out in anticipation.


My dad says it's heavy. So does my brother. And they both know what it is already... >>


But they've been teasing me all month long about gifts, so I don't know whether to believe them and their hints or not anymore. :rolleyes:


At least it's the 23rd.


And at least I have work for 6 hours tomorrow so I don't kill myself trying to figure out what in the world this mystery box is. @___@


Maybe it's socks.

Which would be weird, but nice, cause I need socks. Hee. =3




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I'd guess a computer, a TV, or something similar. Either that or it's a joke and it's tiny with twelve pounds worth of those peanut things.
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Well, I'm going to guess it's a:






-Live Animal

-Butler (probably dead from lack of oxygen or sustenance)

-30lbs of socks


If I'm right about any of these items, I'm entitled to 25% of it.



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I have something similar happening to me. My family has this tradition of putting Christmas gifts under the tree early (usually on Festvus or the 24'th), making me provoked to poke and knock on the boxes to figure out what's in them. I'm only getting a few (though somewhat exspesiveish) gifts as well, one of them being an I-don't-know-what-it-is thingy. I don't even know which one it is, because it's exactly the same size as two other gifts.


So yeah, rather annoying when people try to surprise you, while telling you they're going to "surprise you" in the first place. Lamesomeness. =\


Oh, by the way, I think your gift may be an electronic keyboard. I have one that I'm sorta, kinda borrowing that came in a box of that size...




The one I use is about ten or so pounds. If you can sneak over to where it is, pick it up gently and figure out how much it weighs. That should help a bit.





Oh, as for how having an absence of socks... do you just leave them lying around? That would explain things...






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I'm assuming it's something thats going to need to be plugged in and setup so..

1)Gaming Console.

2)Big Tv.





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