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Kalmah Blockified!



Whew, finished with Christmas shopping... for now, at least. It wasn't that bad, but I've been shopping with every family member in the last four days, and I finally got the chance to go today and get some presents I didn't want anybody to know about... and they're not for me. :o


I have snuck into the toy section of a few stores, but all that's left are Mahri and Baraki. Strangely enough, the big hero of the year, Matoro, is the set that's left on most shelves. Is it because the store overstocked him because he's the main goodie this year, or that people just don't like the set? I wonder. The other one that hangs around on the shelf with Matoro is Nuparu... but I don't see alot of Kongu or Jaller, and Hewkii and Hahli only appear part time.


While I was shopping (okay, a few days ago), I also decided to pick up some french fries, as well as a little something extra.




Okay, I was lenient last year with McDonald Reidak. He was an okay toy with a nifty function. Kalmah, not so much. Okay, the detail on the arms and legs is pretty good, but the body seems too basic and blocky, and the head just doesn't appeal to me. The Piraka faces worked better. And the Piraka spines also helped cover up the back... a luxury Kalmah can't afford. As for the spinning tentacles... fun for a bit, but I liked Reidak's saw thingy better. Falls off less often. And the positioning of Kalmah's arm makes it so you have to spin the tentacles over his head... making him Helicopter Baraki. Although the detail in the squid launcher is good... I like it, although I don't think I'd want to get one of the Baraki that shoots squid discs.


Last year's toys were okay, and kinda fun to see the Piraka blockified. (The Inika... who cares, I didn't pick them up) This year... well, the sets were unique, but these toys aren't. It was good the first time around, but the sequel lacks in quality. Avoid like the plague... unless you're a little kid who'll have fun playing with these. (And it happens. When I walked into the restaurant, there was this one kid playing with a Nuparu Mahri McDonalds toy, and he seemed to be having fun) For all you teenagers worried about your health (the french fries are good, but I wouldn't touch a burger with a ten foot pole) and wanting cool looking pieces, go to Subway instead and buy the actual sets.




Edit: Oh, I forgot the best part. The toy came with a mini poster of the new Phantoka sets, with the Makutas flying in around Pohatu, and silhouettes of Lewa and Kopaka in the foreground. (I think). If that wasn't cool enough, there are instructions on the back n how to make the poster into a paper airplane. (Think I'm kidding? Go buy one yourself. :P )


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Subway sells Lego?!?!


Glad you're having fun. (I've only gotten ice cream from McD's since seeing "Supersize Me" in Freshmen Gym. And I've heard bad stuff about the ice cream too....)


Merry Christmas!



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