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About Me!



Hello. My name is Tom. I am 11 years old and am in Australia. This is my first blog which I don't know what to do with so I will be talking 'bout random stuff.


This is my life story: I was born on June 16 1996. This is why my favourite number is 6. I went up to Noosa Heads every year. Noosa is a costal villiage with lots of beaches. When I was 5, that routine was changed and we went around Europe. First we went to Rome in Italy. We saw the Sistene Chapel. We also saw another chapel which I can't remember the name of but on the ceiling of it was a painting of the opposite of Heaven so there was a picture of a man with a flaming arrow up his bottom. I was only 5 so I stared at it for a while until I realized what it was. I just cracked up laughing! I was rolling on the floor laughing really hard. The funny thing was that there was a sign at the door saying "silencio!".Then we moved on to Venice where we went on gondolas and went over the bridge. I also had a really tasty tirimisu there which was rather satisfying. They had swans that were taller than me!


Then we went to Paris, we went up the Eiffel Tower and we also went to Disney Land for a day which was quite fun. My Dad took an awesome picture of me and Natalie in France. We looked so cute! Anyway, we then went to Wales which was rather fun. We went to this ancient bathing place where the water eventually became green sulphate. They had these little phones that you carry round with you that give information.


Then we went to London. There I met my cousin Selia. We had another photo where she was just hugging me. It was retarded. On the journey back home, we went to singapore. At the airport, mum said we could only drink bottled water.


Then we came back home. Around 3 years later, we went to New Zealand. In Auckland, we stayed at the Sheraton Hotel. In Witomo we went in lots of caves with glow worms. In Rhotorua they had a really bad smelling spout where it smells like rotten eggs. In Queenstown we went on the luge and in Christchurch we went on a hot air balloon.


2 years later, I found BZPower. That was the best bionicle day ever. For some reason, everything was in Belgian. When it became English, I became a Member. I was Member x then I was Super-Nova-X then I was Animatron-x and now I am X-Love-X. Then, for Christmas, I got the money to become a premier member.


But just after I found BZP, a great tradgedy came in my life. I found out that my Dad was adopted from my Aunt to my Grandmother. The thing is, my Dads family is from India. My Aunt had my Dad with some bloke I don't know. She was unmarried and didn't have a job so my Grandma (who is biologically my Great Grandma) adopted my Dad because my Aunt didn't have enough money to raise him. If you need me to explain it further, PM me. The funny thing about that whole thing is, I now have a 7 year old Aunt. REALLY WIERD!


And that leads me to here. Well, that's it for now. Bye!


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