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Moc Display!

Roa McToa


If anyone here lives in Alaska, I have a display of some of my mocs in Seward at the public library. I am displaying Boruka and Mirkatuva, Kokata and Mukaia, the Pit Scourge, Roa and Kohaku, the Toa of Kaiva-Nui, the Bionic Fridge, Vakatu, Paruvak, Morkron the Reikia of Fire, and some random matoran.


So far I have recieved many complimentson the models, as no one up here has really ever seen anything like that in real life. The display will be there until about a week into January. I'll have a new display up in another month or two. I'll be sure to take a picture upon my return to Alaska.


As far as my current vacation, I got a few nice little gifts for Christmas, but none of it was Lego. So, I went and splurged a bit on some self gifts. I found a Monster Dino kit at walmart for $50, and I found a Brutaka at Bi-Mart. I also got Mantax and Ehlek, and I ordered the entire 2008 collection from shop@home. It will be waiting at my PO box upon my return to Seward. I am eagerly awaiting my return to AK. :)




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Thats great Roa! The entire 08 collection? Wowzers, you are gonna have all the new sets in one fell swoop!


I am hopeful to have some of my MoCs on display sometime soon also. I recently met a man named Dan Parker, I happened to bring up that you were a coordinator at brickcon and he apparently met you at brickcon. He said you were really something, do you remember him?


Anyway, Dan has his mini lego museum in a building just a few miles away from here. He is one of only 6 people worldwide who have a certified lego artist brick directly from TLC themselves. I hope to get pics the next time I go there. He gave me his card and said he would display some of my stuff if it was good enough.

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Thats great Roa! The entire 08 collection? Wowzers, you are gonna have all the new sets in one fell swoop!


I am hopeful to have some of my MoCs on display sometime soon also. I recently met a man named Dan Parker, I happened to bring up that you were a coordinator at brickcon and he apparently met you at brickcon. He said you were really something, do you remember him?


Anyway, Dan has his mini lego museum in a building just a few miles away from here. He is one of only 6 people worldwide who have a certified lego artist brick directly from TLC themselves. I hope to get pics the next time I go there. He gave me his card and said he would display some of my stuff if it was good enough.



Wow thats awesome Czar! It's really cool to have your models out on display, because it really brings new light onto Bionicle. If I saw Dan's picture, I'd know who he is, being that I have met a ton of people at brick conventions, but I am really bad with names. :)



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Huh... Interesting. Why at a library? I wasn't aware that MOCs had anything to do with books... :P


Entire collection, eh? Well, I found all six canister Phantoka and the Toa Ignika at a TRU. Hopefully I'll find the Matoran and other two Titans soon, too. Not that I've still got much money...


- :l: :flagcanada:

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As I begin to realize how many pieces you have, I begin to think that you should go ahead and build you self a suit of armor. :P
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Blue Diamond..... I think that is an awesome idea! I don't have enough for a whole suit, but I could easily make a power gauntlet.... :o

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I'd have to build Kukorahk first before attempting a full face mask. I like to keep my parts bins open for giant rahi, and trials of terror mocs. That, and I could wear a bionic gauntlet to work......... :P

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I'm in a 4-H group; we did something similar like this in our library.....only........I'm the only one that brought anything Lego related. Everyone else brought dead bugs and posters about farm animals.

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