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Most Annoying Things In Grocery Stores



Yes, It's the Most Annoying Things in Grocery Stores!


(In no order)


-Screaming Little Kids. They could be screaming for a number of reasons. It could be not getting candy, Being scared, Needing a diaper change, or just being random.

-Bad Baggers. Sometimes, your bagger will be..bad at bagging. They'll put Eggs in with bottles, Frozen Food with Cereal, Chips with 12Packs of Soda, etc.

-Aisle Blockers. These inconsiderate people will often run into a friend while shopping- then they'll engage in a conversation, blocking the aisle they're in.

-Humming Old People. Usually, Older Women will hum loudly to the music playing while they shop.

-Badly Chosen Aisles. Sometimes, when the aisles are designed, the merchandise chosen isn't always good. For example: Candy and Health Food in the the Aisle.



Part 2 Coming Soon.


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Sometimes the bagger has been bagging for 8 hours and is a tad tired and bored. If you really want your stuff bagged the way you want it, you should bag yourself.

Although the screaming children are annoying.


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I hate aisle blockers, I've never ran into any other problems from your list though.


What is worse is when people are just walking and they stop and there is no way to get past them, or people who walk really slow and there is no way to get past them.

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This ranting is beginning to get repetitive. But, I must admit you speak some truth when it comes to grocery store irritants. As such, I don't truly blame you for them.



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