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Member Mocist Contest Voting





First round voting ends on Friday, January 4th at 11:59 P.M. EST


One winner will advance from each of the two polls to the finals on Saturday, January 5th, as well as an overall wildcard. The voting will last to the 7th at 11:59 P.M. EST. I will tally up the votes and order the MOCs accordingly. Prizes will be announced the next day.


Vote for the MOC that you like the best.


And that being said, let the voting begin!

Poll 1:


1. Icy J, Haru, And Chrome


2. Kohaku


3. Neo Blademan Seed Destiny


4. Aklan


5. Kopakalaka




Poll 2:


1. Aklan (Toa Form)


2. Draxon


3. Blue Diamond And ~Electro-Ehlek


4. Blue Diamond and Vermillion


5. Ballom




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I'm so glad I'm not stuck facing CzaR, that would have really killed me in this contest.


Poll 1: Icy J, Haru, And Chrome


Poll 2: Ballom

^ Yes, I have no shame. ^



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I have no shame, either. I knew I wouldn't get very far with a Matoran. BZPers only like Toa and Titans.


Poll 1- Kopakalaka :D


Poll 2- Draxon :D



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I have no shame, either. I knew I wouldn't get very far with a Matoran. BZPers only like Toa and Titans.


Poll 1- Kopakalaka :D


Poll 2- Draxon :D



No, it's not that, it's just that sometimes small MOCs don't worrk out as well as larger ones. More working space, I like to say.

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I didn't mean to sound rude or something. I just meant that, generally, larger MOCs are more popular than smaller MOCs. I didn't mean to disrespect anyone. I apologize, if I caused an annoyance to anyone.


Lluvio- Sometimes large MOCs don't work out as well as little ones, too. My small MOCs usually turn out a lot better than my large ones. It's all about personal talent. Some people are better at little, some are better at medium, and some people are better at large.



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I'm casting my vote. Thanks to whomever voted for my entry!


Vote 1: Icy J, Haru, Chrome. I would have to say that I don't really like any of the Poll 1 entries (including my own).


Vote 2: I would have to say. . . Draxon, pretty good, but the legs need a different design, they are to flat for some reason.



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