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*refuses to reminisce about Bionicle years that weren't utterly awesome*


(This means you, 2007)


Also, Midak blasters seem adaptable enough to use in a Zamor-gatling. :happydance:





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You didn't like 2007!?! It was the only year that rivals '01 '02. '04 was nice, but too much grey.

2008 looks like it has the potential to be the best year EVAR.

So there.

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My personal opinion on 07 is that it's the third-best year. Not the "OMG utter win year".


And for the record, it may be the third-best year, but it's still nowhere near as good as 01 or 02.


And 08.... meh. I have a feeling it'll be better than 07, but still not close.




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I don't know... I try not to get trapped in nostalgia. It seems like they're bringing back actions, so if that's the case, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up liking '08 more.

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In talking to Greg about the success of 2007, he said that it had gone much better than it was expected. I agree, it was much cooler than I had originally thought it would be.

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Yes, there have been better years than 07. (I wish 08 had new bodies, instead of them looking like Inika (and Pohatu with a Kongu Mahri body)


It does seem like mystery/answers is coming back.


Anyway, the Midak does fit Zamor, so imagine a bad guy having green zamor in a Midak!



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