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Very Late Entry

Takua the Wanderer


This should have been posted on Saturday, but I was too lazy to do it then. :P


Anyway, we went shopping then. There was a sale on Barraki, so I managed to get my parents to get the ones that I'm missing (Ehlek and Mantax). Now I have all the Barraki. :happydance:

Hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of the Mahri, too. :P

Also, my parents bought me a cell phone. :D


After that, my parents left me in a bookstore while they went to by groceries. Because we had some gift cards, we bought a book on world history, The Zombie Survival Guide, and a book of cryptograms.


Then we went to Red Lobster for dinner.


All in all, it was a good day. :D


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Sweet. What kind of cell phone? Which Mahri are you missing? And in case you're wondering why I am just randomly posting here, I don't really have a whole lot to do right now, that's why I'm posting in blogs. :D And something I find kinda weird is that wherever I want to post, before I post I see that you've just posted like right before me (in a lot of topics). Kinda strange.

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Umm, what? :P

And I have no idea what kind of cell phone it is, I'm not good with that kind of thing. I think it's a Razor. And I'm missing Matoro and Nuparu.


A Razr? If you're not sure, is it made by Motorola? Matoro and Nuparu? I've got Nuparu and my bro.'s got Matoro. They're both pretty cool. By the way, it's a good idea to finish buying all the 2007 sets you want right now because as the year goes on they'll be harder and harder to find. B)

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a Razr, then. :P

And hopefully I can get them on my birthday, but I'm not too hopeful about that... Well, time to scheme.


Or it could be a Crzr (smaller and sleeker than a Razr, but also Motorola). If you ask for 'em, there wouldn't be a reason why you wouldn't get them. But you don't always get what you ask for, that's true (I know from personal experience :lol: ).

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To be honest, I really don't care what kind it is. :P

I've never really asked for a cell phone. :lol:


Me neither. But my parents won't get me one 'til I'm like 15 or 16 anyway, and I'm only 14. When I do get one though, I want to get a CRZR. :D

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To be honest, I don't really know the difference between any of them. :lol:


Hah. Yeah, I don't pay too much attention to that kind of stuff but I do know the difference between a one phone and another. :D

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