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They Need A Names



Afew days ago, while talking to Exo via blog entry, the discussion of remembering eachother as newbs came up, and she (or is it he? I'm befuzzled) said that she remembers me as a newb as well.


How did I reply?




Her/His response: XD


This image was created during Spanish Class last year in November. I didn't understand a lick of what the teacher said and considering we had these boards and eraseable markrs he handed out, it was born.


Of course my classmates laughed. Its just random and is better than 'wat?' in any different ways. Not to menton the face.


Eariler today (actually, 30 minutes ago) had a conversation with Sora on AIM.


Jon Batista 91: you there?

comp1etely3mpty: Yeag

comp1etely3mpty: *Yeah.

Jon Batista 91: hold on

*minutes later*

comp1etely3mpty: You still there?

Jon Batista 91: yep

comp1etely3mpty: Yay.

Jon Batista 91: Yeag.png

I made fun of him.


His reponse: XD


So, considering thse fellas brings the laughs out of us, I decie, why not name them?


... But does anyone gots a name for them?




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